Quote Originally Posted by John P. Myers View Post
(ever notice you only get 15GB usable space on a 32GB Surface tablet?)
What I find surprising is that M$oft is pleased they actually "managed" to slim down an O/S to *only* 17 Gig of storage...

(As I install yet *another* instance of Ubuntu to run from a 1 Gig USB key...)

Did I mention that pretty much everything I've ever plugged into these barebones Ubuntu installs works? Without adding drivers? It was perfectly happy to install on an IBM X41 Tablet and use the touch screen without any fanfare. And the 10 year old Radio Shack USB->Serial adapter? I plug it in and get a serial port. No drivers necessary. You may get the picture. Oh yeah, and the reason that Tablet has Ubuntu on it is the Win XP Tablet edition install that *was* on it happily found an unreadable sector in the software hive and went completely unbootable and unrecoverable.