Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Buckingham View Post

For 4 people

1 kg of small limpets;
1 large onion;
2 cloves of garlic;
1 dl olive oil;
half teaspoon of paprika;
500 g of rice;
1 tip bay (optional)


Wash the limpets and scald with boiling water. Reserves of the scald water, after strained.
Bite the onion and garlic and "pierce up» in oil. The onion should be just "honeydew" (translucent). Season with salt, pepper, paprika and bay leaf. Irrigation with the scald water which served to limpets and must have twice the volume of the rice.
Limpets without shells, are introduced into the rice when it is almost dry.
Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Hope that receipt can be understood but if it isn't just ask.
I've never heard of a limpet, what is it?