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Thread: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

  1. #11
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    I am seeing really tiny credit return for some reason.

  2. #12
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    I hear you Denim. Seems near 700 points is normal for these WU's but you got 73 yesterday and 60 today. You must have pissed someone off. :-). PwrGuru: It's a torturous project in terms of return on time but it's1 of only 2 projects I'm in the top 10 so I have to try and hang on. We all can't be Zombie67. If you hang in through this batch, you might make it to 4th or even 3rd on the team and could then maybe be in the top 100 on the project.

  3. #13
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    Quote Originally Posted by NJCaNS View Post
    I hear you Denim. Seems near 700 points is normal for these WU's but you got 73 yesterday and 60 today. You must have pissed someone off. :-).
    Not sure why it is so low, but the run times seem a little shorter. One other thing I have noticed was they were consistent for a few days. Two WU's would finish staggered, then two more would come in. Repeat.

  4. #14
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    Huge mega silly long run-times now. One WU is one day shy of a month late and has been crunching non-stop on my sole surviving laptop. I have a number of other WU's that snuck in while I was running out of Rosetta and have completely clogged up about 40% of my CPU cores. Never thought I would see a single credit awarded. Yes, just one credit today for lattice, according to WUProp, combined I have something around 1300+ hours pending, and multiple WU's are not even at 50%. Very frustrating, as being from a family full of University of Maryland grad's, it has special meaning to crunch Lattice. Really killed my RAC as of late.

  5. #15
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    My love for Lattice is almost run out. The erratic run times, some only minutes, some weeks. The tremendous RAM hog, and terrible credit return. I was top 100, and a few times threw everything I had that could hold Lattice, and just kept slipping. I am just sick of how Lattice just hijacks the machine and they are almost unusable if I allow it to run while in use. I have two running now that have over 10 days of non-stop run time and close to 20 days left remaining. The lattice site already said they timed out.....

    This is supposed to be fun, and Lattice is a project that is special to me. But this has been a PITA for 5.5 years.

  6. #16
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    I was trying to run Lattice before the Pogs challenge, and probably will again once my POGs goal is met, but at the moment I've got zero Lattice WU's onboard, but 2,500+ hours "pending" according to WuProp. There were numerous WU's I cancelled with over 10 days worth of crunching simply because they were still incrementing the time remaining. And I thought I'd seen in the forums that they'd never take more than 10 days. I definitely understand where you're coming from denim, and am amazed at your patience!

  7. #17
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    Re: Calling any S&M crunchers for Lattice

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    I was trying to run Lattice before the Pogs challenge, and probably will again once my POGs goal is met, but at the moment I've got zero Lattice WU's onboard, but 2,500+ hours "pending" according to WuProp. There were numerous WU's I cancelled with over 10 days worth of crunching simply because they were still incrementing the time remaining. And I thought I'd seen in the forums that they'd never take more than 10 days. I definitely understand where you're coming from denim, and am amazed at your patience!
    Thanks. I felt the urge to stay on the project as our team has almost abandoned it for the exact reasons I just ranted about, and that I really wanted to be top 100.

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