The issue is that the original baseline computer listed which got 1000 Megaflops per day was a PIII 800 Mhz machine. The problem is that as newer CPUs came out with enhanced instruction sets and the apps were modified to make use of those new instructions, they actually got more than 200 credits per gigaflop per day. So, DA and his team decided that getting more credit for doing more work was unfair. He then came up with his "CreditNew" algorithm which attempts to give the exact same credit for a given CPU and time period on all projects. It would work if we all ran SETI and only SETI. But, since no other project uses the exact same percent of floating point calculations as SETI, it is still apples and oranges. If you don't believe me, downclock the memory on your GPU by 50% on a project using CreditNew where the memory has an impact and see what happens. You credit will go down a little, but it will also drag down the average for all others using that GPU which means they get less credit as well because they are all supposed to be the same. Don't even get me started on projects that use 50% GPU load and get the same credit awarded by CreditNew as projects where the GPU is at 99% load.