Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Buckingham View Post
It is with great sadness that came to my knowledge that our friend Dr Dan is passing for difficult moments as he did in the past.

Dan you always fight for your ideals and took care of the Team Musketeers since the start, so you are not man to give up to your illness. You will be in my prayers and on my small talks with God. I will ask Him for you, for your health and to give you the strengh you need to pass this dificult moment.

I ask all friends of every team to crunch for the Team Musketeers for a while and put a smile on Dr Dan face. So, when you can dedicate a week of your crunching to our friend and former member of our team.

It is always a good time to found peace in our hearts and give peace and joy to others.

Prayers for Dr. Dan as he fight this difficult foe... I hate cancer...