Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
Also, don't forget that BOINC cares about case. So Duke_B@someplace.com isn't the same email address (or user) as duke_b@someplace.com.
That I did not know. Stupid DA can't filter case out of account creation? At least for that text field? Inane I say.....

Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Buckingham View Post
All my project accounts are on the same email, in fact I have only one email, that is consider today a bit freak and that (only) email gives me enough problems already ...

One day I hope that my children would come from me and would not be confused with my email or the children will be known as the son of emailady and emailduke.

Joking of course, just one email address and I am pretty sure that I didn't start this confusion. The confusion just started after a fight against Willy from Boinc stats but maybe just a coincidence, forget that F$ ...

The last identity appeared because Myshortpencil open one account at BU to crunch for me and only after he join other (my) personal projects, Boinc could see that was me.

Meanwhile 9,1 Million lost, anyway I think Bok could solve the problem already, the think that puzzle me most is, when I dont crunch I have more credits in the morning than in the afternoon.

Just let it be F$.
Still, try running all the projects you can. And btw, that 9.1 Million credits isn't really lost, just misplaced. Once your CPID is sorted out, those credits will still be there. Just be patient.