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Thread: Computer running sluggish

  1. #1
    Silver Member
    aux9o's Avatar
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    Computer running sluggish

    I have been running my main computer on bonic for close to year straight now and every day I have been able to use it while bonic is running in the back ground. The past couple of weeks windows is running noticeably sluggish. I can pause bonic and everything runs smooth. Anyone have any ideas as what I can do to try to fix it?

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  2. #2
    Platinum Member
    Maxwell's Avatar
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    Re: Computer running sluggish

    Quote Originally Posted by aux9o View Post
    I have been running my main computer on bonic for close to year straight now and every day I have been able to use it while bonic is running in the back ground. The past couple of weeks windows is running noticeably sluggish. I can pause bonic and everything runs smooth. Anyone have any ideas as what I can do to try to fix it?
    I'm willing to bet it's your video card being overtaxed. You're reserving a core for MW, right? That's feeding so much to the GPU that the GPU has to think in order to process what you're doing...

    First thing I'd do is hit "Snooze GPU" to see if the GPU really is the issue that's causing the sluggishness. Assuming it is, you have several options (in no particular order):

    1. Learn to deal with it. [This is the approach I take; when I'm just futzing online, I can deal with sluggishness. I do pause the GPU work when I need to game/do something taxing.]
    2. Stop GPU crunching. [Terrible option. No proper credit ho would even suggest such a thing. And several people would probably yell at me for even suggesting it. But it is technically an option...]
    3. Tick the "suspend GPU while computer is in use" option.
    4. Try not reserving a full core for the GPU. [Not sure this would fix it, but it's worth a shot. Your daily credit output will likely suffer some, but it would keep you crunching all the time.]

    Those are my thoughts...

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Computer running sluggish

    Maxwell has probably hit the nail on the head there, but one other thing that may help is restarting the computer at least once a week to clear the BOINC log files. Also another thing you can check is memory usage. If BOINC is leaving your computer with very little available RAM, Windows is most likely using your hard drive as RAM which is terribly slow. If that's the issue, there are 3 options to fix it

    1) Get more RAM
    2) Crunch projects that use less RAM
    3) Crunch fewer workunits at a time

  4. #4
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    Re: Computer running sluggish

    If you are using a temperature throttle, it could be it's time to blow out the dust.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Computer running sluggish

    Also, if you aren't crunching MW for specific personal reasons, there are other GPU projects out there that would consume less CPU and not hit your GPU as hard. Considering crunching a different GPU project may make enough difference.

  6. #6
    Silver Member
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    Re: Computer running sluggish

    This was on my Nivida computer. I just got my new evga gtx 760 sc 4g installed and it seems to have fixed the problem! Im running 2 gtx 760's on this computer now fixing to put them back on gpu grid for a while.

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