NativeBOINC does not return the Android version to the server so if people are using DA's Android logic, then they won't get work. The issue they are having now is that the play store only has the PIE enabled boinc client for Android and that means you must have Android 4.1 or later. So if you have an older device, don't upgrade because it won't run.
I changed DA's code and decided that if the kernel version was that of my Android 4.4 device or later, then go ahead and send the PIE app else send the old non-PIE app. I haven't had any complaints about it not working (at least not since working the kinks out the the first couple days) but the boinc_dev email list has a rather lengthy discussion going on about why Android and SETI are not playing well together. My guess is that SETI is using the stock Android identification code which doesn't work. That's why I changed it on Collatz.