
1. NFS to top 50 spot (don't have the horsepower)
2. Leiden to top 50 spot (very ambitious)
3. MW to 5 million DONE
4. Einstein to 1 million DONE
5. WCG to 500k and team top 100 rank (possible, but my phones are not going to get me there)
6. SZDG to 250k (hopefully pass 446k) (closing, but extremely slow)
7. Cosmo to 250k (hopefully pass 446k) (kind of given up)
8. Rosetta to 100k (all active projects over 102,500 essentially as I want all non-active projects at the bottom of my stats page) DONE
9. As many PG badges to silver as possible (one away SGS LLR)
10. Add WCG Ebola bronze badge and bump up the others that are active DONE