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Thread: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

  1. #1
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    I stopped receiving E-Mail Notifications of PM's a few weeks ago, I noticed it when F$ was PM'ing me about buying a 7970 of mine. I only see if I have PM's now by coming to the Forum, I checked my settings & everything looks okay & I should be receiving e-mails about PM's but I'm not ... ???

  2. #2
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    You're right. Same symptoms here.

    Vic (mobile)

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    This is odd. I checked both of your permission in the Admin area, and everything seems to be set up properly...

    I did change one setting regarding email, which has an outside shot at fixing the issue. I sent both of you a PM to test this out. Please let me know if you received an email notification of the PM.

  4. #4
    Past Administrator
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    Maybe there was a glitch somewhere, I noticed I didn't get a couple as well. But then I just got one last night, so maybe it's working again?

  5. #5
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
    Maybe there was a glitch somewhere, I noticed I didn't get a couple as well. But then I just got one last night, so maybe it's working again?
    Traded a few pm's with maxwell. Turns out i was getting all the emails but they were getting caught in spam. I bet that's the case with ste\/e as well. The question would be: what changed to make the mail servers upstream flag this as spam.

    1. Are we relaying our own mail? If so our server could be suspected of being an open relay.
    2 are we out of a house? Consumer ISPs who send their own mail are usually blacklisted into spam

    A fix would be to use an external relay if one is available.

    Vic (mobile)

  6. #6
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    Yep, I just found the same thing. All my notices in my spam folder.

    I wonder if we got added to a blacklist or something.
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  7. #7
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    All emails should be getting relayed via gmail (the team.seti.usa account)

  8. #8
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    All emails should be getting relayed via gmail (the team.seti.usa account)
    Hmmmm. Let me take a look at the headers and see if it's a spf failure. Gmail is usually well trusted.

    Vic (mobile)

  9. #9
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    OK I think I've found a few things.

    Return-path: <>
    Return-path: <>
    is the actual account that is being used and authenticated against when an e-mail is sent out of vbulletin? This could trigger a spam filter. I see a different e-mail address used as the source below. (in red)

    From: "SETI.USA Forums" <>
    Subject: New Private Message at SETI.USA Forums
    [B]X-Originating-IP: []

    I don't see a SPF record existing for the domain. This would tell relayers that Google's servers are authorized to send e-mail from has good instructions on how to do this. I can help with this

    Message-id: <>
    Auto-submitted: auto-generated
    MIME-version: 1.0
    X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP
    Content-type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII
    Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
    X-Priority: 3
    X-Verizon-Spam: Yes
    X-CMAE-Score: 100
    X-CMAE-Analysis: v=2.1 cv=Edh/m0jq c=1 sm=1 tr=0	p=loIXWkM1L7FDsMoH8zRTmg==:17
     a=KF4uY4r1RTM9ztufGXkfiw==:117	a=8nJEP1OIZ-IA:10 a=pGLkceISAAAA:8
     a=JMeYN1-FAAAA:8 a=1XWaLZrsAAAA:8	a=oR5dmqMzAAAA:8 a=ayC55rCoAAAA:8
     a=-9mUelKeXuEA:10 a=1oJP67jkp3AA:10	a=ZZnuYtJkoWoA:10 a=e9J7MTPGsLIA:10
     a=XJfPAMEUAAAA:8	a=uvqjVyVQfQ0fRN2MxhsA:9 a=wPNLvfGTeEIA:10 a=14El-3rh7mgA:10
    	a=rZDDTEz154YA:10 a=OiDYEkROhFoA:10 a=NWVoK91CQyQA:10
    X-Google-Original-From: "SETI.USA Forums" <>
    Is the address what's being used to authenticate to Gmail? This could cause problems as well.

    I can definitely help with a few nuts & bolts on this. It will require access to whomever hosts the dns records (most likely easydns from what my dig commands are telling me). We are on a few blacklists as well.

  10. #10
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Don't Receive Notifications of PM's anymore ?

    FWIW, I am getting email notifications again.
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