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Thread: SPAM

  1. #1
    Pope Dan



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  2. #2
    Platinum Member
    Maxwell's Avatar
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    Re: SPAM

    I got one of those myself the other day.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
    Mumps's Avatar
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Re: SPAM

    The Admins were notified of that over the weekend and adjusted settings accordingly. What user did it come from, to verify we don't have more than one user that's a SpamBot?

  4. #4
    Silver Member

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    November 21st, 2010
    Burien, Washington

    Re: SPAM

    Mine says it came from carramu and that's all I know.

    If it's not broken, give me 5 more minutes!

  5. #5
    Silver Member
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    Re: SPAM

    got mine on 9-4

  6. #6
    Past Administrator
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    In the Big City

    Re: SPAM

    Yes, carramu was banned as soon as I was made aware of his/her actions.

    Since we are on the subject. In the future, if anyone ever receives a PM with spam, plz plz plz notify an admin of the user so the perp can be dealt with. This goes double for all the ladies on the forums as they seem to receive an inordinate share of spam. No one on these forums should be harassed by anyone in any way, shape or form. So again, plz let an admin know asap.

    Thank you.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  7. #7
    Silver Member
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    Re: SPAM

    I was lured to the darkside with the offer of cookies, didn't understand the laughter when I got there and they didn't have any...
    It's not the love of a hero, that's why I fear it won't do
    Chad Kroeger

  8. #8
    Platinum Member
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    Re: SPAM

    Nah. It wasn't that we didn't have any. We just payed attention to your sign and opted to not feed the troll.

  9. #9
    Diamond Member
    Duke of Buckingham's Avatar
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    Re: SPAM

    Caramuru is a very nice Portuguese book about the beginning of Brazil, you all should read it. It is trully epic and based on a true history.

    Caramuru is an epic poem written by Brazilian Augustinian friar Santa Rita Durão. It was published in 1781, and it is one of the most famous Indianist works of the Brazilian Neoclassicism — the other being Basílio da Gama's O Uraguai.

    Inspired by Luís de Camões' The Lusiads, it is divided in ten cantos. The poem tells the story of the famous Portuguese sailor Diogo Álvares Correia, also known as "Caramuru" (Tupi for "Son of the Thunder"), who shipwrecked on the shores of what is today the State of Bahia and had to live among the Indians. The poem also alludes to Correia's wife, Catarina Paraguaçu, as being able to foresee the Dutch invasions of Brazil.

    Caramuru. Poema Épico do Descobrimento da Bahia é um poema épico do frei Santa Rita Durão, escrito em 1781.

    Conta a história de Diogo Álvares Correia, o "Caramuru", um náufrago português que viveu entre os Tupinambás. O livro alude também a sua esposa, Catarina Paraguaçu, como visionária capaz de prever as futuras guerras contra os neerlandeses. Os escritos seguem a inspiração de Luís Vaz de Camões, utilizando-se de mitologia grega, sonhos e previsões, mas ainda assim tem grande valor por incluir informações sobre os povos indígenas brasileiros.

    Além de relatar a trajetória de Caramuru, refere outros fatos da história do Brasil. É uma obra essencial para o estudo da literatura brasileira arcadista.
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  10. #10
    Silver Member
    dcushing's Avatar
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    Re: SPAM

    The only thing I dont like about this message board is the advertisements that keep showing up at the top after logging in.

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