Yes, I've read through the threads accusing the project of using algorithms that will fail to find the proper result. The "Project Scientist" has responded appropriately and I've sen enough to trust that they are taking a valid approach. They are indeed skipping some numbers, but it makes sense because they have the end result they are after and that lets them exclude some combinations right out of the gate.

Does it matter that much when the expected time to get the answer with any Brute-Force attack is measured in the huge time-frames they are? Long before they get their answer, they will have fine tuned the brute-force enough that it shouldn't matter. They have already been talking about a GPU version.

Yes, in a lot of cases, it comes down to being all about the points for some. But I agree that, if the science is bad, why waste the time? Donate your resources to some project that will actually make a difference. Even the entire premise of the AndrOINC project is more self-serving than making a difference. So regardless of the algorithm, are you sure you want to spend time trying to figure out how to "crack" the Motorola Milestone phone? Heck, by the time they get their answer, there won't even be such a thing.