Actually, this problem brings up a question. There is an ongoing thing with a member on the Facebook page who is having issues gaining member status here. Other than seeing the different admins posting stuff, there really isn't a list for who is in charge of what. When F$ was an active part of the team, there really wasn't a question about who to contact. Maybe there needs to be a master list for admins so basic questions can be sent directly to them.

With the guy in question on Facebook, my questions are being slightly dodged. I've asked for his Boinc user name and hope to get a reply soon. As it is, he states he is not allowed to post on the forum, including the part where new members get full access. It almost makes me wonder if there is a new unknown feature with the site. (I know one must take an active stance on the forums before one can make new post) Then again, it makes me wonder about his status in general. I'll look up his info on DC when I get his user name to verify he is an actual cruncher and one of us. Once I see what is up, it would be nice to be able to forward the info onto the admin in charge of members as well as responding to his request.

There really needs to be an active liaison between the Facebook page and the forums. It just seems to be slightly disconnected at this moment. (members on vacation.....MIA....isn't very helpful at times despite being understandable) Scraping in new members into the forums shouldn't be as difficult as it is. I know the procedures are here for a reason and sometimes team security needs a few hoops to be jumped through. The last thing we really want is members from other teams to be spying on us about......what we're listening to and so forth. After having my P3DN profile turned down and reported as spam, they will not get any help from me.