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View Full Version : Projects In General

  1. grafana: Detailed BOINC project status (1 replies)
  2. Projects that have intel iGPU apps? (6 replies)
  3. Any BOINC Projects involving the ocean? (0 replies)
  4. export statistics approval projects (0 replies)
  5. export statistics approval projects (1 replies)
  6. GIMPS - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (19 replies)
  7. SiDock@home [test] is moving (3 replies)
  8. New project: MLC@Home (4 replies)
  9. New project: Minecraft@Home (45 replies)
  10. QuChemPedIA@home (10 replies)
  11. My DHEP Badges (10 replies)
  12. distributed.net (4 replies)
  13. Which projects use AVX-512? (12 replies)
  14. Next project that is missing (3 replies)
  15. Acoustic Opti Apps (22 replies)
  16. Is it wrong that I feel dirty taking so many credits from Collatz Conjecture? (5 replies)
  17. DHEP (Distributed Hardware Evolution) - LIVE (39 replies)
  18. What NCI Projects should I be Running? (4 replies)
  19. Interested in wuprop app hours, but not credits? (0 replies)
  20. Automatic Participation in Challenges (16 replies)
  21. Time for a shift for another couple of retirees? (1 replies)
  22. New GPU Project (21 replies)
  23. International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Sept 19th (10 replies)
  24. BMG@home (19 replies)
  25. collatz out of work? (3 replies)
  26. Android Projects (5 replies)
  27. AMD Launches Project to Ease HPC Development on GPUs (4 replies)
  28. BOINC website down from crash (5 replies)
  29. SRBase Subprojects (1 replies)
  30. GPU Grid projects (8 replies)
  31. WuProp (13 replies)
  32. credits in SRBASE (2 replies)
  33. Projects Counting for Formula BOINC 2015 (11 replies)
  34. Atlas (10 replies)
  35. Universe@home (1 replies)
  36. Password Change ? (5 replies)
  38. Asteroids@Home; SETI.USA is now #2! (12 replies)
  39. Projects down (6 replies)
  40. Would you participate in a distributed sensor array? [poll inside] (11 replies)
  41. BOINC Talk on YouTube (SpaceVision 2013 Conference) (2 replies)
  42. Project Links (0 replies)
  43. Project links (18 replies)
  44. Folding@Home (101 replies)
  45. To CPU or not to CPU, that is the question (3 replies)
  46. Pirates (25 replies)
  47. I smell a rat (6 replies)
  48. Fun at Convector (8 replies)
  49. LHC (2 replies)
  50. Linux only BOINC projects (7 replies)
  51. BigData@Home (4 replies)
  52. Projects that support Intel HD GPU crunching (34 replies)
  53. New Project HIAST@Home (31 replies)
  54. UH Second Computing (2 replies)
  55. What factors do you consider when allocating your resources? (16 replies)
  56. GPU – do you? Jon Sonntag (Collatz) helps you find out #2 (3 replies)
  57. GPU – do you? Jon Sonntag (Collatz) helps you find out – #1 (9 replies)
  58. Project Badges ? (27 replies)
  59. Pirates@Home got work (4 replies)
  60. Total BOINC Credits (12 replies)
  61. Standardized Credits (42 replies)
  62. "free" projects to run? (5 replies)
  63. new projects - subset_sum and wildlife (7 replies)
  64. Crunching on the PS3 (9 replies)
  65. ojHome, what is it and why did I join? (11 replies)
  66. First nite cruching and no flames... (11 replies)
  67. What's with all the boinc projects with HW issues? (2 replies)