View Full Version : TN-Grid

  1. TN-Grid: gene@home: Parameters tuning reloaded
  2. TN-Grid: gene@home: Break! Post-processing phase
  3. TN-Grid: gene@home: Presentation @ ICT-Days 2014
  4. TN-Grid: gene@home: Parameters tuning
  5. TN-Grid: gene@home: Solved not unique download filename
  6. TN-Grid: gene@home: Leave one out phase
  7. Invite Codes
  8. SETI.USA first on TN-Grid
  9. TN-Grid: gene@home: Planning new 'experiments'
  10. TN-Grid: gene@home: August news
  11. TN-Grid: gene@home: October update
  12. TN-Grid: New work available
  13. TN-Grid: gene@home: Escherichia coli experiments
  14. TN-Grid: gene@home: Escherichia coli experiments (Update)
  15. TN-Grid is Down
  16. TN-Grid: gene@home: Re-issue of old 'experiments'
  17. TN-Grid: gene@home: Server down the 14th December
  18. TN-Grid: gene@home: Holidays are approaching
  19. TN-Grid: gene@home: Server down next Friday, February 27th
  20. TN-Grid: gene@home: status
  21. a few new tasks
  22. TN-Grid: gene@home: Scientific Results (June 2015)
  23. TN-Grid: gene@home: Vitis Vinifera experiments
  24. TN-Grid: Public invitation code
  25. TN-Grid: Upgrading the server
  26. TN-Grid: First international challenge on TN-Grid
  27. TN-Grid: Badges
  28. TN-Grid: SSL Certificate
  29. TN-Grid: Workunits length
  30. TN-GRID Optimized App
  31. TN-Grid: New application (v 0.10)
  32. TN-Grid: New application (v 0.11)
  33. TN-Grid: No new work
  34. TN-Grid: Restarting
  35. TN-Grid: Vitis vinifera: new dataset
  36. TN-Grid: Vitis vinifera: new dataset
  37. TN-Grid: Another experiment on E. coli
  38. TN-Grid: New application (v 1.10)
  39. TN-Grid: Server down this weekend
  40. TN-Grid: New organism
  41. TN-Grid: Publication about Vitis vinifera
  42. TN-Grid: Planned maintenance
  43. TN-Grid: Server stop for maintenance (2018-12-27, 9:30 CEST)
  44. TN-Grid: World Gene Expansion Challenge 2020
  45. TN-Grid: No news is good news (sometimes)
  46. TN-Grid: Server unreachable (2020-09-09, from 05:30 to 08:00 CEST)
  47. TN-Grid: AMD COVID-19 HPC Fund Adds New Research Institutions
  48. TN-Grid: Paper published on IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
  49. TN-Grid: World Gene Expansion Challenge 2021
  50. TN-Grid: Storage problem
  51. TN-Grid: Paper published on Biomolecules
  52. TN-Grid: Storage problem (again)
  53. TN-Grid: The end of the FANTOM-1 experiment
  54. TN-Grid: Maintenance (filesystem and o.s.)
  55. TN-Grid: The new Vitis vinifera project is underway
  56. TN-Grid: The Vespucci-2023 Vitis vinifera OneGenE experiment
  57. TN-Grid: Summer break
  58. TN-Grid: Happy New Year!
  59. TN-Grid: New experiment on Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) from Mus musculus
  60. TN-Grid: A mid-summer ping