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View Full Version : ATLAS@Home: New single-core tasks

11-26-16, 09:51 PM
Thanks for all your feedback on the future of the single-core app. We have seen that it is useful to keep it, especially for less experienced volunteers who don't want to write xml files to configure how many tasks to run.

Therefore we are directing some of the multicore WU into the single core app. These WU will use only one core but process the same number of events (100) as the multicore WU, so will run for a few hours longer than the previous single-core WU.

We have also cancelled the remaining single-core WU which were faulty or stuck on non-responding hosts. Apologies if you were actively crunching one of those.

In addition we have applied the same restrictions to the single-core app as we have on the multicore app: the minimum version of virtualbox required is 5.0.0 and there is a check that virtualisation is possible on your PC before sending WU. So if you have an old virtualbox or a PC not configured for virtualisation then you will not receive any more WU. Please see Yeti's checklist (http://atlasathome.cern.ch/forum_thread.php?id=581) for more information in case of problems.

Thanks again for your continued contribution!

More... (http://atlasathome.cern.ch/forum_thread.php?id=617)