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View Full Version : Chrome doesn't allow the space bar to work in replies

01-27-17, 12:19 AM
I just noticed this a week ago and it's still happening, not sure if there's anything we can do about it, or maybe I'm the only one getting this problem? When I try to reply to a post or a PM, if I am on any line below the end of the quote bracket from the previous message, it won't register the space bar. Meaningthetypelookslikethis. It only does it in Chrome, IE works fine, and it also works if I go back up to the top and start over again at the character space directly after the [quote] bracket.

Any ideas what might be going on with the browser? Could just be me, but it happens on all my computers, so I've tried it from 4 separate rigs and always the same result. Thanks for any help.

01-27-17, 05:00 AM
From what I have read, this happens with vBulletin 4.2.3 (which is ours) and Chrome Version 54.0.2840.59 m (64-bit). When you reply, go to Advance Mode, they say it works then. I hope this helps.


01-27-17, 10:41 AM
Thanks! I just tried it, works perfectly when I click Go Advanced at the bottom. Something's just broken with "quick reply" I guess. ;)