View Full Version : Citizen Science Grid: [wildlife] exact progress webpages

01-28-17, 10:04 PM
So I whipped up a couple webpages to track the progress of how the evolved convolutional neural networks are doing and what they're looking like and thought you might like to see a little bit beneath the hood about what's going on as well.

This page displays an overview of each search that's being run:


You can click on the search names to get a more detailed view of how that search is performing, e.g.:


And then click on a genome to see what that convolutional neural network actually looks like:


Some of them are pretty interesting! The best networks we've evolved so far are already above 95% accuracy on the training data from the MNIST handwritten digits data set (http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/) which is getting pretty good!

If you have any questions about what you're looking at and want some more detailed explanation please ask and I'll do what I can, as well as putting more information on the webpages to make them more volunteer friendly.

More... (http://csgrid.org/csg/forum_thread.php?id=2349)