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03-23-11, 06:23 PM
User ID 9452521

Mr. Hankey
03-23-11, 10:17 PM
That is not your cpid....

you need to find yourself in this list:


I did not see an aux9o user. your cpid is Cross Project Identifier and is listed on your individual stats page.

03-23-11, 11:13 PM
I did not see an aux9o user. your cpid is Cross Project Identifier and is listed on your individual stats page.
Your CPID is also listed in your account on any BOINC project. If you log into your account on most of the project websites, it will list your CPID there (SETI@Home does not, for some reason).

Mine is: d6495a51c30f25abc8127442d96dbf2a (they are all about that long)

If you can tell us the username and project you are crunching on, we may be able to help you further if you can't find your CPID.

03-24-11, 10:02 AM

03-24-11, 11:26 AM
Can you please tell me what ID you use to "crunch" BOINC projects with? I cannot seem to find you in the www.free-DC.org database. Obviously it's just me - if you have a CPID #, then you are there, I just can't seem to find you to give you team only access.

I'd really like to help you - if you can PM me or just reply here, let me know what your usual BOINC ID is on projects.

03-24-11, 09:35 PM
What other projects do you think have that high a UserID? Of course John (http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_user.php?userid=9452521) is talkin' SETI@Home! :)

Next thing these guys are going to remind you to do is to actually Join a team! Seti.USA preferably. :)

Welcome to the forums regardless aux9o!

03-25-11, 09:03 PM
he is trying to join up but hes runnig into some problems, im to much of a noob to help well.

03-25-11, 09:09 PM
Under your project account, there should be a "Find a team" link on the right side - click on that. Search for "SETI.USA" and you should find us. Click on the link. About halfway down the page, there should be a "Join this Team" link. Click that.

03-27-11, 03:40 AM
Hope we didn't scare him away; I sent him a PM, hope I got the instructions simple enough. ;)

03-27-11, 11:39 AM
hes my buddy and lives down the road here...ill make sure we get him lined out!`

03-28-11, 01:19 PM
We have a winner! ;)