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View Full Version : high core temps

03-24-11, 02:56 PM
im getting 83C. core temps while runnig BONIC...that cannt be good for it eh? any tips besides a Co2 spray or dry ice? lol

03-24-11, 03:35 PM
Someone else mentioned in another thread that you should take a look at the CPU cooler on it. If it is the stock cooler, it may be inadequate, especially if you're OCing.

Also, how is the airflow in your case?

Crazybob's Son
03-24-11, 04:14 PM
Someone else mentioned in another thread that you should take a look at the CPU cooler on it. If it is the stock cooler, it may be inadequate, especially if you're OCing.

Yep, that was me, post is here (http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/showthread.php?1016-new-here-thanks-jason-fota!&p=9476&viewfull=1#post9476).

Although that was my note regarding the brainfart because it's a laptop not a desktop.

03-24-11, 04:51 PM
My stock coolers for both my i7s get into the 80s under load. I run with Zalman coolers in both and get high 40's to mid 50's under load. I also ran with a thermaltake water cooler and gave it up for the Zalmans.

Another possible problem is if the fan is not seated proper. I've seen problems where a clip was broken and problems where the thermal paste wasn't applied right. 80's is bad and will shorten the life of your CPU. If your running with the stock CPU fan and have never taken it off the paste should be ok. Check to make sure the fan is properly secured to the motherboard.


03-24-11, 07:38 PM
yeah this is a laptop...vent is good, sometimes it gets hoteniugh to burn you on the louvers by the fan...scary. i might zip tie a box fan to my laptop! kidding...can i get aftermarket cooling solutions for laptops?

03-24-11, 07:42 PM
Yep, that was me, post is here (http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/showthread.php?1016-new-here-thanks-jason-fota!&p=9476&viewfull=1#post9476).

Although that was my note regarding the brainfart because it's a laptop not a desktop.

how much temp reduction are you making with the laptop cooler....seti isnt just a credit crunching ordeal for me i like the cause! come ere lil alien!

03-24-11, 08:28 PM
I don't have this laptop cooler (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834998744), but I have one that is not too dissimilar. The reduction in heat it noticeable. And, they're not too expensive...

03-24-11, 08:45 PM
im ordering that thermotake one right now...MUST crunch faster...my hot rodding bug is following me into the computer world i guess...i like your anigif maxwel, reminds me of the microsoft commercial "yea! cloud!"

03-24-11, 09:38 PM
i ordered some fans but...i was just joking about seeting my laptop on this almost same sized mini box fan....71C. @ 100% load cruncing its ass off! wow...wheres my zipties!