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View Full Version : How Video Games Killed Desktop PC Computing! An excellent read!

03-31-11, 04:42 PM
If you like super fast processors and massive multi-core video cards then you should read this article! I was shocked at his conclusions but even more amazed by his evidence.

*FYI, I did not write this nor am I affiliated with Benchmarkreviews.com in any way. :-??

Does anyone have any thoughts?

03-31-11, 05:26 PM
Yeah...it's the CONSOLS that are killing of PC gaming by keeping the graphics artificially low. For example, they do a heck of a lot more quality, even in Crysis 2 for a top notch gaming PC. But, then...it wouldn't be playable on consols like XBox and PS3, and then people whould whine and moan, and etc. So what do they do? Basically code to the least common denominator - kind of like our school system, LOL! :D
Basically, the hardware is Waaaaaaay out in front of the software that's being coded. Software companies need a big kick in the booty sometimes.

The whole thing is just lame. Remindes me of when the Pentium Pro came out, it should have been considerably faster than a regular Pentium. But noooooo...Windows OS was not coded "good" enough to run it, so even though it was a beast of a CPU for that era, sales languished, the "better" architecture was left alone until much later CPUs, etc. :p

03-31-11, 05:48 PM
The whole thing is just lame. Remindes me of when the Pentium Pro came out, it should have been considerably faster than a regular Pentium. But noooooo...Windows OS was not coded "good" enough to run it, so even though it was a beast of a CPU for that era, sales languished, the "better" architecture was left alone until much later CPUs, etc. :p
You just had to bring up the Pentium Pro didn't you!

The huge amount of cache on that processor gave it performance that was far ahead of its time and proved that chip makers had the ability to release cutting edge processors. I still believe that Intel and AMD have restricted the peak performance of their chips in favor of the almighty margin. IE: The AMD 1100T which is a joke when considering that the 1090T can do the same thing with its unlocked multiplier.