View Full Version : Mini city...again

04-02-11, 10:54 PM
I would like to thank Dandasarge for visiting the SETI.USA minicity. It has been awhile since anyone from this team has visited us. If you like, please visit: http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/

04-03-11, 12:03 AM
Forgot about this... added it to my toolbar.

04-03-11, 12:12 AM
Thank you yet again Max! Now I have to find that bow smiley again! ^:)^^:)^

04-03-11, 12:21 AM
Forgot to mention your awesomeness in my last post. :p

04-03-11, 01:02 AM
Forgot to mention your awesomeness in my last post. :p
Be sure to proclaim this from the mountaintops. All good things come from Maxwell... ;)

04-03-11, 01:07 AM
Pardon my forgetfulness oh Maxwell....ness.

04-04-11, 03:00 PM
Didn't used to be a way to zoom in and out?
I remember being able to see from afar instead of just 4 megascrapers filling up the whole screen.

05-11-11, 05:45 PM
To anyone who is interested, the SETI.USA mini city will be passing the 2 million pop mark in about 3 days at current speed.


07-09-13, 07:48 PM

I don't remember whose pet project this was or what the point is, but if we're going to have a city, we might as well do some upkeep (those who have nothing better to do [me]). A constant reminder/nag to click a link is tiring/annoying, so if there are any volunteers, I'm going to set Increase industry (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/ind) as my home page (the page the browser opens up to) and be the person who increases industry every day, since I open my browser every day. So, if anyone else doesn't mind a little system slowdown and nuisance every time they open the browser, you can set one of these as your home page:

Increase the transport network (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/tra)
Increase security (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/sec)
Increase environment (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/env)
Increase business (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/com)
Increase industry (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/ind)
Increase population (http://seti.usa.myminicity.com/)

I put population last because it's the one that needs the least help and is the default if someone doesn't manually adjust their homepage link. The homepage needs to be edited manually to choose anything other than population because the address bar, after visiting the link will leave off the trailing folder that is specific to anything else.

Anyways, if this is a reminder of something you care about, I suggest making one of these a home page and posting which one you've selected. If this is something you don't care about, nobody will hunt you down to make you do it. I'm not even sure why I'm doing it.