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View Full Version : Code block not working right

04-08-11, 11:27 PM
The [ code ] tags should not process in any way anything between them.

[ img ] is being processed though.



^ that is:
[ code ][ img ]http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/images/seti.usa/logo.gif.png[ img ][ /code] (without spaces obviously)

As you can see, the IMG tag is being processed. I dunno if this is an option or a bug, but please fix it. :)

04-09-11, 12:46 AM
I have noticed this problem, too, around here, but for the life of my can't remember where. But +1 to JerWA's post...:cool:

04-10-11, 03:21 AM
I think I understand what you're saying, but I honestly have no idea how to fix something like that. I wonder if it's a bug in VBulliten? Is it enough of a concern that you would like me to take it up with the VBulliten support crew or one of their forums?

04-10-11, 09:14 AM
I'm wondering if it's just a configuration option, whether or not it will process internal tags.

The code block is usually used to show script code, to avoid the site freaking out about it. That's why I wonder if there's just an option to tell it to not process any tags at all.

I doubt it's a bug, I'm sure the vB folks would have noticed it right away hehe.

04-10-11, 01:31 PM
Somewhere in the admin database there should be some option like "parse code between [CODE] tags?" and set that to no.

04-10-11, 03:47 PM
Somewhere in the admin database there should be some option like "parse code between [CODE] tags?" and set that to no.

Correct, you can go into the admin control panel, but it's in a slightly different place than expected. Down the left hand side you'll see an option for custom BB Codes and [ code ] is in there, there is an option for parsing bbcode within which should be turned off.