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View Full Version : Thread sorting...

10-24-10, 09:54 PM
I don't like the way how the project threads are setup. It looks like a mess.

It would be more usefull to create some categories like math, astronomy etc and make the project threads sub-threads of those.

Similar to what SG does below the "Projekte" -> http://www.seti-germany.de/forum/

10-24-10, 10:06 PM
Sounds good.
EDIT: Done. Is that along the lines of what you had envisioned?

Mr. Hankey
10-24-10, 11:08 PM
Sounds good.
EDIT: Done. Is that along the lines of what you had envisioned?

Looked kind of wonky... I took a stab at fixin it.

10-25-10, 04:09 AM
Looked kind of wonky... I took a stab at fixin it.

Yes, that's more like it. Anyway, i'm still not done complaining :p

GPUGrid needs to be move to the bio sub category. DNETC (cryptography) and AQUA... well i guess those could be move to math..

Another thing that i'm not happy about are the "Gerneral" Threads... I see no need to have junk thread at the top of the list.

The "About SETI.USA (http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/forumdisplay.php?5-About-SETI.USA)" thread needs to be visible to the public.

I don't like how the RSS Feed grabber post the news... it would be better, imo, to create a "Project news" sub category in each project thread and let it post there.

Animated gifs don't work as avatar....

38 <--- that pic is far to big...

Do we have a template for the board that will be used as default(containing team logo etc) ?

While i'm at it ... can we phase out that fugly team logo and create a new one that doesn't look that crappy ?

The meta keys need to be edited. The important one is the description...

<meta name="keywords" content="Project Discussion, vbulletin,forum,bbs,discussion,bulletin board" />
<meta name="description" content="" />Where's the team only thread ? Every other team Like LAF,SG,P3DN etc. has one... why don't we ?

That's all for now... need to get myself another coffee before posting more :p


And stop messing around with the user settings...or it'll be the last time i visit this page here...

10-25-10, 04:16 AM
Hahaha - you sure are good at that! All very valid points, I'm sure. I will fix the project categories tomorrow unless Hankey beats me to it. And as far as I know, yes, we are going to be re-doing the logo and the front page. I believe Mr. Hankey was cool with my wife drawing up something nice, but that was a while ago, so I better check in about that.
Some of those other issues you have, I think only Tera and Hankey have permissions to change - but ai could be wrong about that...

Mr. Hankey
10-25-10, 06:17 AM
We can move things around easy enough...

The "About SETI.USA (http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/forumdisplay.php?5-About-SETI.USA)" thread needs to be visible to the public.All threads are visible once a person is registered and logged in. Unregistered and not logged in people can only see this:


The plan is that we can work on a customized theme with smaller icons, our logos, colors etc down the road. Right now everything is stock, if I find some public themes that are nice I can load them in for people to check out.

The meta keys need to be edited. The important one is the description...The forums which you can see a description for have that meta tag filled in for example the upcoming challenges forum looks like this :

<meta name="keywords" content="Upcoming Challenges, vbulletin,forum,bbs,discussion,bulletin board" />
<meta name="description" content="Discussion of upcoming BOINC Challenges and strategy involving our team." />
Which ones do you think need descriptions?

I don't like how the RSS Feed grabber post the news... it would be better, imo, to create a "Project news" sub category in each project thread and let it post there.For the RSS feeds, don't you think if we have a 3rd depth to the sub forum the news will get kind of lost? or be difficult to notice. The projects don't seem to be spamming away with news updates looks like at most 1 or 2 posts a month.

Where's the team only thread ? Every other team Like LAF,SG,P3DN etc. has one... why don't we ?The plan at this point is to not have a private team only area. When/if we need a private area for a challenge we can create a temporary private discussion for the duration of the challenge.

10-25-10, 01:20 PM
OK Crunch3r, the projects have been moved to your designated categories. :D
That's probably the only thing I have permissions to implement. (I'm sure there's a good reason for that, HA! b-))

2 things I'd like to bring up with both of you:
A. We could solve the "Team Only" forum issue fairly easily by placing a sub-forum titled "Team Strategy" inside the "Upcoming Challenges" forum. We could make that "Team Strategy" sub-forum a team only place.
My thought on this is 2 fold. One, it allows EVERYONE to see all the challenges we are going to participate in, and this is especially important since we have friends, (ala Musketeers, etc) who like to pitch in with their alma mater. This saves us from having multiple threads on the same challenge subject.
Secondly, it still allows us to have some private, internal discussion on tactics, but under the challenge heading - which is arguably the only thing on the team that should ever be "kept from the public."

B. What exactly do you envision posting in that "About SETI.USA" forum? Is it going to be the history of the team on a sticky, or current events, or? My first thought is that "About us" is a little vague; I'm sure you have good reason for titling it that - so I'm just asking what it is.

Thanks for considering the above suggestions.

Mr. Hankey
10-25-10, 01:59 PM
Just checked about the avatar settings:

Can Upload Profile Pictures Yes
Can Upload Animated Profile Picture Yes
Can Upload Custom Avatars Yes
Can Upload Animated Avatar Yes
Can Upload Images for Signature Yes
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature Yes

so animated gifs should work?

10-25-10, 09:32 PM
2 things I'd like to bring up with both of you:
A. We could solve the "Team Only" forum issue fairly easily by placing a sub-forum titled "Team Strategy" inside the "Upcoming Challenges" forum. We could make that "Team Strategy" sub-forum a team only place.
My thought on this is 2 fold. One, it allows EVERYONE to see all the challenges we are going to participate in, and this is especially important since we have friends, (ala Musketeers, etc) who like to pitch in with their alma mater. This saves us from having multiple threads on the same challenge subject.
Secondly, it still allows us to have some private,

I don't get why we'd need the "upcomming challenges" at all. AFAIK, the primegrid challenge is a one time thing, that we sort of got dragged into.

Regarding the "team strategy" thread... well i don't need that one either. I just need a real team only thread where only team members have access to and where we could chat about other things, just like the "Members of Team SETI.USA" is right now.

Almost all of my posts on the old board are in the "Members of Team SETI.USA" thread.
The way this board is turning out to be... Just not my thing.

anyway, who gets the messages send via http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/sendmessage.php ??? I got a request pending that i send there.

Mr. Hankey
10-25-10, 09:55 PM
anyway, who gets the messages send via http://setiusa.free-dc.org/vbforum/sendmessage.php ??? I got a request pending that i send there.

Right now that defaults to the webmaster, Bok. I need to fill that info in with our team contact email address then it will go to the admins.

Mr. Hankey
10-25-10, 10:08 PM
Ok, I have changed the contact email, you will need to resend the request or just shoot me a PM

10-26-10, 02:52 AM
Gee, Crunch3r, you sure are a pleasant one these days!:cool: If you don't mind me asking, other than strategy during a challenge, what is so secretive that it must be hidden from anyone that takes the time to register here? I'm not doubting you have good reason to back your request; I would just like to know what it is, if you'll indulge me.

About the challenges: obviously, everyone is always free to crunch what they want. But, don't you think some of us enjoy knowing what challenges are even out there? I used to not even know such things existed, and always blindly crunched S@H. Boring! There must be several members like myself out there that would have had loads more fun with this years ago, if only we had known such things existed.
That said, if there is valid reason to delete the forum, I will...it is not a sacred cow, LOL!;)

10-26-10, 09:35 PM
...I was just asking so I could see the thought process behind the comments, that's all...