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View Full Version : Hi hello!

08-30-19, 08:54 PM
Hello everyone!
I have been a participant in various Boinc projects (though primarily WCG) for several years now and figured I would branch out.
I'm new to the team thing - and as it happened, just stumbled across this one while perusing around a project website after registering.

I'm a Canadian, but figure I am close enough to the good ol' USA to come over here and say howdy.

I look forward to getting to know everyone and helping out and learning where and when I can.

An interesting fact about me. I'm blind. I use a screen reader (http://www.nvda-project) to get around, so it's really, really nice to find a forum that separates topics by heading, making for quick and easy keyboard navigation. Normally I'm arrowing through unnecessary information to get to the thread name.


John P. Myers
08-30-19, 08:59 PM
Welcome aboard

08-30-19, 09:08 PM
Welcome aboard

Thank you.

08-30-19, 09:20 PM
Welcome to the team, wolfman1360. I've given you friend status which will get you access to about 90% of what we have on the forum. As time permits, try to move all your active projects to team SETI.USA and we will upgrade you full team member status. Enjoy!.

08-30-19, 09:49 PM
Hi Wolfman. We're certainly glad that you decided to join us.

Ron Shurtz
08-30-19, 10:27 PM
Welcome wolfman.
A team is a great way to connect with others that have similar and diverse interests.
Hope you visit the forum often.

08-30-19, 10:33 PM
Welcome to the team, wolfman1360. I've given you friend status which will get you access to about 90% of what we have on the forum. As time permits, try to move all your active projects to team SETI.USA and we will upgrade you full team member status. Enjoy!.

Belated apologies. I missed the key word 'active projects'. I have thus transferred every project I have been a part of over here ;) though that is not to say all of them won't be active at some point in the future.

Right now the concentrations are on mostly Amicable (though it eats up ram like crazy), Collatz and LHC (though I'm having trouble understanding all the various subprojects there).

Thank you and I will take a cruise through the forum right now.

08-30-19, 11:39 PM
I consider active projects to be any project you've crunched before, that is still in operation. No rush, you've already signed onto the team on the projects you're running now.

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk

08-30-19, 11:43 PM

08-30-19, 11:56 PM
Excellent. Everything should be switched over.

Thank you for the warm welcome everybody.

08-31-19, 09:45 AM
hello wolfman 1360 glad you joined us. there is a good bunch of people here that will help you with any problems you might have. just ask.

08-31-19, 11:42 AM
Welcome aboard. Overall we have a friendly and helpful group here so if you have any problems let us know and I am sure someone in the group will have the answer.