View Full Version : Nvidia 3000 series

John P. Myers
09-01-20, 02:56 PM
RTX 3090 $1500 24GB VRAM 10,496 cores - ? TFLOPS - 350W
RTX 3080 $700 10GB VRAM 8,704 cores - ? TFLOPS - 320W
RTX 3070 $500 10GB VRAM 5,888 cores - ? TFLOPS - 220W

I've left the TFLOPS out because I've heard the CCs are now single issue instead of double. If true, the 3090 would be just under 15 TFLOPS, if not almost 30 TFLOPS. Need to look into it further

John P. Myers
09-02-20, 07:13 PM
M'kay i believe i have it figured out. What I believe they did was added a second vector float ALU pipeline that shares the same register space and execution control flow. Yes, you can say they have doubled the core count but you should also consider that they are "less capable" cores. Similar to what AMD pulled off with bulldozer cpus. And got sued over.

Basically, each core can do FP+INT at the same time, just like the 2000 series. But it can also now do FP+FP instead. However, when it does FP+INT at the same time, the total TFLOPS are cut in half. *sigh* always with the shady gimmicks

09-06-20, 09:47 PM
So who's buying as soon as available? And which model? And FE or 3rd party?

John P. Myers
09-08-20, 06:51 PM
I expect the better double VRAM versions to launch not long after these first 3.

Also I'm hearing availability at launch will be the worst it's ever been

09-08-20, 07:52 PM
Then I won't be that early adopter you are looking for. Better check with SAM. :)

09-08-20, 08:02 PM
I expect the better double VRAM versions to launch not long after these first 3.

Also I'm hearing availability at launch will be the worst it's ever been

I don't think most projects need much vram. So that is probably not worth waiting for, as a cruncher. But the availability thing? Mark-ups will be crazy, I assume. Crap.

John P. Myers
09-08-20, 08:07 PM
I've heard 10,000 units available for all 3 SKUs combined worldwide until November. Yeah markups will probably be really bad

AMD is expected to launch in November as well but no one is leaking any specs at all so far

09-08-20, 08:20 PM
I will be waiting good and long, to see the new AMDs work with BOINC. The 5000 series have had all kinds of problems. But it would be nice to see some real competition to Nvidia for a change.

John P. Myers
09-08-20, 09:02 PM
No sooner than i said there was no new AMD news, Frank Azor (AMD's Chief Architect of Gaming Solutions) made a tweet that included lyrics from the song "Tomorrow" by Charles Strouse. I'll take that as a hint we'll hear something official tomorrow lol

Edit: Might be about Zen 3 though, not GPUs

John P. Myers
09-09-20, 12:09 PM
October 8th for Zen3. October 28th for GPUs

09-11-20, 01:24 AM
The Zen 3 CPUs look like a nice upgrade. If all goes well, that will be my next build. I was talking with JPM about a Zen 2 build earlier this summer, but everything points to Zen 3 being worth the wait. On the GPU side, I think I would wait for AMD to make a move and release whatever they can - if for no other reason than to see what NV does to jockey their cards in the best performance per dollar slots.

09-11-20, 01:57 AM
I am worried that price wars won't happen this time. It seems the miners are going to go back to GPUs because these are so powerful. So the availability will be crap, and retailers can charge above MSRP regardless. Anyone have different perspective?

John P. Myers
09-16-20, 09:21 PM
Well, for crunching the 3080 looks better than expected. Not bad at all

09-16-20, 09:23 PM
Good! I've looked at a few reviews on YouTube, but all the benchmarks are with gaming. I am really interested in seeing crunching testing.

09-17-20, 09:27 AM
I'm guessing miners are buying them up... I can't even get some of the sites to load.

John P. Myers
09-17-20, 09:19 PM
Probably best not to waste time trying to get one for awhile. As i said, it would be the worst launch ever. There never was much inventory. Even on ebay, scalpers are selling nothing more than confirmed preorders. No cards in hand.

09-17-20, 09:19 PM
Yeah, I just read a longish-article slamming NV for what is essentially a "paper launch". Hardly any copies in the wild, apparently. :(

John P. Myers
09-17-20, 09:30 PM
A paper launch is exactly what it is lol

Nvidia is also getting slammed for not having anywhere near the promised gaming perf (21% over 2080 Ti avg.) but that's just typical of their business practices the past few years.

Odds are we'll have full specs on AMD's next gen before Nvidia has any amount of stock worth mentioning. Have seen a couple of reference pics so far. Looks great but no perf numbers yet.

John P. Myers
09-17-20, 10:24 PM
Oh, and i forgot to mention if you plan on overclocking a 3080, best you're gonna do is about 3% if you're lucky LOL

09-18-20, 10:48 AM
Actual crunching comparison.


scole of TSBT
09-18-20, 06:52 PM
Did you see any single WU times for the 3080?

John P. Myers
09-18-20, 07:05 PM
I saw this in the comments:

2080: 660-720
3080: 290

PPS Sieve: (2 tasks simultaneous)
2080: 215
3080: 170

As usual, avoid anything requiring FP64 with these GPUs. An old AMD 7970 is still over twice as fast as even a 3090

scole of TSBT
09-18-20, 07:38 PM
Saw that too. I want to see how it compares to 2080 Ti

John P. Myers
09-25-20, 05:22 PM
Many of them that didn't do so well in the silicon lottery are crashing, artifacting, freezing up, blackscreening, etc. Because of that, GPU makers will start issuing new BIOS versions that downclock the GPUs so they'll work properly. Of course this means crunching perf will also drop. Not sure yet by how much.

09-26-20, 03:18 PM
Why didn't they wait until they had it dialed in to release it since AMD doesn't have their new GPUs out yet? Did they just get too greedy? :confused:

John P. Myers
10-05-20, 08:01 PM
Anyone remember the Intel 5775C and how you could leverage the 128MB of L4 cache it had for performance gains? AMD has been rumored for months to be doing something similar for their GPUs coming out this month, but never found much evidence to support it. Now there's more evidence, though still a rumor. Seems AMD filed for a trademark of this technology and officially called it Infinity Cache so it's definitely real now, but it doesn't prove it will be in this next gen of GPUs. Keep your fingers crossed.

John P. Myers
10-21-20, 08:41 PM
Rumor is Nvidia scrapped the 20GB 3080 and the 16GB 3070 and 3070 Ti today. They most certainly were real, as they were appearing in BIOS data and various PSU support lists. No official reason why was given.

10-22-20, 01:07 AM
I hope it's not a bad sign, meaning they found out what Big Navi can do and they aren't worried about competition so they dropped the larger memory SKUs. I really hope it's something else...

John P. Myers
10-22-20, 06:38 PM
I hope it's not a bad sign, meaning they found out what Big Navi can do and they aren't worried about competition so they dropped the larger memory SKUs. I really hope it's something else...

Same. I hope it's just supply issues since they can barely even make the SKUs they've already released

scole of TSBT
12-10-20, 05:31 PM
What do you make of the RTX 3090 listed slower than a RTX 2080Ti on PPS Sieve?

12-10-20, 07:19 PM
You can't tell how many tasks each card is running at a time. And if they reserved any threads for the GPU tasks.

scole of TSBT
12-10-20, 08:45 PM
You can't tell how many tasks each card is running at a time. And if they reserved any threads for the GPU tasks.
I agree other factors could be at play like OS, number of GPUs, # of PCIe lanes supported. We have a teammate who just installed a 3080 and 3090 in Win and was disappointed it wasn't supported on GPUGrid yet. With other projects showing the similar stats as PG I wonder if it's worth holding on to then and waiting for support or return/resell and wait for others to flush out the issues.

John P. Myers
12-10-20, 09:10 PM
Have you seen any 6900 XT results yet? Might be worth grabbing one of those instead. Plus they're much cheaper than a 3090

12-11-20, 09:55 AM
Where do you guys shop? It sounds like you are deciding between buying unicorns or gryphons.

scole of TSBT
12-11-20, 12:34 PM
A teammate in the UK has one.