View Full Version : New - What should I do?

01-06-22, 12:57 PM

I'm new here. I was really hoping to get involved with SETI@home and be a volunteer listener of the radio signals they pick up from space, but is that program finished?

Where can I go to get involved and be able to hear some sounds from space?


Ron Shurtz
01-06-22, 11:32 PM
The volunteer computing through BOINC, for SETI@home, ceased on March 31, 2020.
They continue to analyze the data, and the web site and message forum is still up.
They encourage volunteers to help with other science based projects.

Below is a link to the message in their News Archive section about this.

SETI@home hibernation (https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/old_news.php#:~:text=SETI%40home%20hibernation,16% 3A23%20UTC)

I'm afraid I don't know where you can go to listen to the SETI data that was collected.
To my understanding it is, (or is exactly like) the static you pick up on an old radio between broadcast stations.
Special algorithms are required to search that static for anomalies that might indicate that it is an artificially created signal.

01-07-22, 12:30 PM
Hi, welcome to the team! SETI has ended it's "volunteer crunching" for now, but there are still several space based projects you could help with if you like. Milkyway and Einstein both come to mind. Let us know if you need help getting started with any project that sounds good to you. :)