View Full Version : DENIS: Results of the first batch of simulations // Resultados de la primera tanda de

04-06-22, 10:43 AM
Dear volunteers,
We are analyzing the first batch of simulations and so far the results are quite satisfactory. 98.35% of the tasks launched once the problems with the validator were solved, run without problems and their results were valid. 1.12% of them failed to boot into the client (all under the same user and host). 0.53% were tasks that were executed satisfactorily but whose results were not validated when comparing whit the results of the other volunteers. We are studying what could have happened in these tasks so that the result did not coincide with those of the other. As soon as everything is checked, we will repeat the test and if everything goes well, we will move on to a larger test.
Thank you very much to all, we keep you informed of the progress.



Estimados voluntarios,
Estamos analizando la primera tanda de simulaciones y, hasta ahora, los resultados son bastante satisfactorios. De las tareas lanzadas una vez solucionados los problemas con el validador, el 98.35% de las tareas lo hicieron sin problemas y sus resultados fueron válidos. El 1.12% de las dieron error al arrancar en el cliente (todas en el mismo usuario). El 0.53% fueron tareas que se ejecutaron satisfactoriamente pero cuyos resultados no fueron validados al comparar. Estamos estudiando qué ha podido pasar en esas tareas para que el resultado no coincidiera con los de los otros voluntarios. En cuanto todo esté revisado repetiremos la prueba y si todo va bien, pasaremos a una prueba de mayor tamaño.
Muchas gracias a todos, os mantenemos informados de los progresos.

Un saludo,

More... (https://denis.usj.es/denisathome/forum_thread.php?id=207)