View Full Version : Best case position for AIO cooler?

03-17-23, 11:56 AM
I'm doing my first new build in years. Have a 280mm AIO coming, and I just came across something on a forum post that it would cool better vertical, inside the front of the case than horizontal up top. Is there any truth to that? :confused:

03-17-23, 10:25 PM
Opinions differ. In general, you do not want the pump to be the highest point. Bubbles pooling in the pump is bad. Better they pool elsewhere. Putting the rad in the front is best for cooling the CPU, as the rad gets the coolest air. But then the GPU and mobo components gets hot air. Putting the rad in the top means the GPU and mobo components get the coolest air, and the rad gets air that is a bit warmer. This can be mitigated with good airflow, putting case fans in the front and back. So then the air going into the top rad is actually not much warmer than ambient. I prefer the top option. Keeping GPUs cool is already hard enough.

03-18-23, 02:28 AM
Thanks! I'll try the top position first then and see if it fits good like that. :cool:

03-18-23, 12:39 PM
I also like the top position but make sure you have a slight angle on the rads so that the in and out hoses are lower then the otherr end. This makes sure that you have a full flow of water. I just put 1 or 2 thin washers at the far end of the rads.

03-18-23, 03:08 PM
Thanks for the tip, I'll try that as well! :)