View Full Version : How much faster will an SSD really make your rig?

05-10-11, 03:17 PM
Not for a dedicated "crunching only" rig, but for "everyday use" - i.e. surfing the 'net, occasional DVD, Word, Excel, etc...just the usual stuff.

I see they are sold out now, but Newegg had THIS ONE (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148357&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL051011&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL051011-_-EMC-051011-Index-_-SSD-_-20148357-L0C) for $99 on a sweet sale...I'm wondering how much faster than a typical 7200rpm SATA HDD this would make things feel.

05-10-11, 03:26 PM
It really depends on just what you do on a daily basis. Boot up is obviously quite a bit faster and anything which is reading and writing to disk a lot is much quicker, but things like surfing, watching dvd's are not disk intensive so won't be much difference apart from initial startup.

05-10-11, 04:18 PM
It really depends on just what you do on a daily basis. Boot up is obviously quite a bit faster and anything which is reading and writing to disk a lot is much quicker, but things like surfing, watching dvd's are not disk intensive so won't be much difference apart from initial startup.


05-10-11, 04:49 PM
OK, thanks. I can safely pour the next $100 I get into MORE GPU POWER :D and ignore the SSD tend, then. :o:cool:

John P. Myers
05-10-11, 05:19 PM
Yep. Unless you're rebooting and loading Excel/word 20+ times/day, or only have 1GB RAM forcing your OS to rely heavily on the swap file, or running a file server we don't know about, you won't really be able to justify the cost of an SSD.

Edit: Also, the write speed on that SSD is horrible. The Western Digital Caviar Black writes at 126MB/sec (51MB/sec faster) and is only about $60 :p

And would Windows, Word and Excel even fit on a 64GB drive? OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org/) is far less bloated and is 100% exactly the same thing. Except it's free and made by Oracle (who now own Sun Microsystems - the inventors of the JAVA platform and the SPARC processor and the Solaris operating system and MySQL).

05-10-11, 05:40 PM
Yep. Unless...you won't really be able to justify the cost of an SSD.

Yeah, that makes sense. For the price of an SSD, I could get another GTX 460...:cool: DON'T TEMPT ME!!!X_X :o;)

John P. Myers
05-10-11, 05:59 PM
Yeah, that makes sense. For the price of an SSD, I could get another GTX 460...:cool: DON'T TEMPT ME!!!X_X :o;)

GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460!!!!


05-10-11, 10:57 PM
GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460!!!!

+1 \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/

05-10-11, 11:03 PM
GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460 GTX 460!!!!

I am going to HAVE to jump on this band wagon!! =))=))=))

05-10-11, 11:10 PM
Set down the graphics card and step away slowly....


05-10-11, 11:13 PM
@ Ya'll ... now who was just complaining about needing a fire extinguisher for a smoking' card? :p:o;)

05-10-11, 11:15 PM
Set down the graphics card and step away slowly....

I was just talking about a graphics card...........that was now what was in my hand though....:-"

05-10-11, 11:47 PM
Alright, I am over the edge! It is done. ;):cool:


John P. Myers
05-10-11, 11:58 PM
Woot! ♪♫♪♫

05-11-11, 02:18 AM
Alright, I am over the edge! It is done. ;):cool:


Hoorah!!!! **== **==

05-11-11, 10:31 AM
We may need to start a new section in the forums. CA- Crunchers Anonymous.
Hello, my name is _____ and I'm addict. This may be you if every outlet in your home is occupied by a PC. But I won't mention any names :-$ Ahem DrPop. :p

Cruncher Pete
05-11-11, 07:00 PM
I wonder if an SSD will reduce the Power requirement?. I only have one outlet under the house and by using power boards I have 8 computers plugged into it. I am a bit worried about the heat in the cables but so far it has not tripped the circuit breaker.;)

05-11-11, 07:10 PM
Might have to get yourself a generator! ;)

05-11-11, 08:54 PM
We may need to start a new section in the forums. CA- Crunchers Anonymous.
Hello, my name is _____ and I'm addict. This may be you if every outlet in your home is occupied by a PC. But I won't mention any names :-$ Ahem DrPop. :p

LOL! I just caught that. :D Actually, I did run out of plugs in the one corner of the back room of my office -- if we get any more back there, they've got to go across the room so that they will pull from a different circuit! :p;):cool:

PS...Hello, my name is DrPop and I am officially addicted. I have risked my future nights of "fun" with the Mrs. on a third and final GTX 460 for the DrPop rig. I may be in need of some serious donations for flowers and other niceties for the Better Half when the box arrives. I will keep the Crunchers Anonymous group posted of the outcome.

05-11-11, 09:10 PM
I may be in need of some serious donations for flowers and other niceties for the Better Half when the box arrives.

When I first read that I thought it said "nighties", then I envisioned you wearing them...... AHHHHHHH. X_XX_XX_X

05-11-11, 09:19 PM
There's always the dishwasher disguise. The wife might think an office is a strange place for a dishwasher, or 3. :-?? And then you'd need to worry about Maxwell showing up.

05-11-11, 09:49 PM
There's always the dishwasher disguise. The wife might think an office is a strange place for a dishwasher, or 3. :-?? And then you'd need to worry about Maxwell showing up.

Just get a rental house, Put them in there. when she finds out about the house she will be happy its just computers and nothing more :D

05-11-11, 11:07 PM
There's always the dishwasher disguise. The wife might think an office is a strange place for a dishwasher, or 3. :-?? And then you'd need to worry about Maxwell showing up.
Why am I showing up? I'm not doing joker's dishes. That's his mom's job.

Just get a rental house, Put them in there. when she finds out about the house she will be happy its just computers and nothing more :D
A friend of mine got a tattoo back in high school, and knew her dad would be PISSED. She told her mom, who said "I'll handle it." Here's the rough conversation:
Mom: "I have something to tell you..."
Dad: "Oh god. What?"
Mom: "What if I told you our daughter is pregnant?"
Dad: "I'd be surprised..."
Mom: "What would you tell her?"
Dad: "Well, I'd say that I love her and will support her as best I can..."
Mom: "That's good to hear. She's not pregnant, but did just get a tattoo." *walks out of room*
Dad: "Good?"

05-12-11, 01:14 AM
I wonder if an SSD will reduce the Power requirement?. I only have one outlet under the house and by using power boards I have 8 computers plugged into it. I am a bit worried about the heat in the cables but so far it has not tripped the circuit breaker.;)

Take a look at this review list for power usage ---> http://www.anandtech.com/show/2829/26

John P. Myers
05-12-11, 12:22 PM
M'kay i didn't want to bring up this point because i wasn't in the mood to do math, but since F$ posted that benchmark, i guess i gotta :p

1) Comparing SSDs to a WD Velociraptor? Geez...But it's not biased. It is the most power hungry (and fastest) hard drive. Also, the price of a Velociraptor isn't very different from an SSD. It's just so few people actually have one.

2) OCZ makes the best SSDs. Period. If you're getting one, get an OCZ. This (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227706) is the one i've got my eye on. Notice the read/write speeds? Insanity. Also OCZ SSDs have a 2,000,000 hour (228.31 years) MTBF. Most other brands, including Intel, only have a 1,200,000 hour (~137 years) MTBF. Need something more badass for that secret file server you got DrPop? :p With this one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227517) you can do sequential read/writes at 1.4GB/sec. Not Gb. GB. Has to go in a PCIe slot because SATA3 can't touch that kind of throughput :D

Anyway...power consumption. Since the AnandTech article is a couple years old before SATA3 was around, for this example, we'll use the power ratings of the OCZ i listed above (the reasonable one, not the one used for dominating the world). And we'll compare it to a WD Caviar Black which is one of the best hard drives you can buy, and also has similar power draws to hard drives we all actually own.

Since the purpose of a Velociraptor was to be run in RAID, and we're only talking about getting 1 SSD or 1 hard drive, it doesn't really apply to this situation.

For the comparison, we'll assume 50% time at load and 50% at idle. We're crunchers. We keep our HDs busy :D

OCZ Vertex 3 120GB SATA3
idle: 1.65W
load: 3W
average: 2.325W

WD Caviar Black 640GB SATA3
idle: 6.1W
load: 6.8W
average: 6.45W

Power usage difference: 4.125W

Avg. cost of 1kW/h = $0.087

Amount of time the OCZ would need to be used instead of the WD to save 1kW/h = 242.42 hours

Price difference between the OCZ and WD: $230

Amount of time you'd need to use the OCZ instead of the WD to save $230 on your electric bill: 73.16 years

05-12-11, 04:11 PM
anyone looking at power use of hard drives for crunching review 1.8" hard drives. you will have to buy an adapter on ebay 10-12 bucks. I've run a computer on a 16gb CF 1.8 before just to play with it. Running on mico XP it was fun, slow, it was like opening stuff on a netbook. Nothing like a SSD card :(

Toshiba MK1214GAH (HDD1902)
1.8-inch HDD PMR 120GB*

Nominal Power Requirements:
Voltage 3.3V (???5%)
Energy Consumption Efficiency: 0.0025W/GB
Power Consumption:
Start 1.8watts
Seeking 1.1watts
Reading 1.0watts
Writing 1.0watts
Idle 0.4watts
Standby 0.12watts
Sleep 0.07watts

05-12-11, 06:28 PM
Amount of time you'd need to use the OCZ instead of the WD to save $230 on your electric bill: 73.16 years

73.16 year return on investment? That's pretty good. I just got down with a software project with a 98 year ROI. I guess I should tell the execs here about the SSD so they can waste their money on something new! ;;)