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View Full Version : XMEN : 1st Class

06-08-11, 10:40 AM
Cross posted from over at Free-DC..

Did anyone go see it this weekend?

My family and I went to see it Monday and I for one thought it was really good. I'm a closet huge fan of superhero movies and for the most part love them all http://www.free-dc.org/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Only piece that spoiled it a little for me was the Wolverine scene. I mean was there really any need for an F-Bomb there given it's a PG13. I'm certainly no prude when it comes to it and I understand the context but I just didn't see the point, all it's going to do is give me pause before I let my kids watch the movie again when it's out on BluRay/DVD.

Looking forward to Green Lantern/Captain America already ...

06-08-11, 11:05 AM
I'm not a comic fan or particularly into superheroes. I do enjoy a lot of those movies, but I know nothing of the history of the characters aside from the movies. I really liked the first 3 X-Men movies and have no desire to see this one - I don't want other people playing characters I like and not having the history that's already been established (in other words, I'm not usually a prequel fan).

On a different note, what was your opinion of January Jones' acting in the movie? I have heard it was terrible...

06-08-11, 11:21 AM
I'm a big believer in just switching off when watching movies and enjoying them for what they are :) I don't like to think too hard at the time !

She was ok I guess, nothing great. I did think the two main characters played their roles very well. (Prof X and Magneto).

Personally I also loved XMEN Origins:Wolverine :)

06-08-11, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the review Bok. I'm a big comic/superhero movie fan but i prob. won't go to see this. I will see it when it hits Blue Ray tho. I too liked the first 3 movies and am not a big fan of new actors. The only exception is when they try a remake and the original actors are too old. star Trek and Star Wars come to mind.

06-08-11, 08:56 PM
I have not seen it yet but I am going to in the next few days.

06-08-11, 09:10 PM
Mike, give it a go, I think you'd like it :)

06-08-11, 10:10 PM
Mike, give it a go, I think you'd like it :)

I was afraid you'd say that. Ok, going tomorrow. you pushed me to it. :p

06-08-11, 11:02 PM
I have not seen it yet but I am going to in the next few days.

?????? Who goes to the theater to see a movie anymore?..............

ooops, did I say that?

06-08-11, 11:17 PM
?????? Who goes to the theater to see a movie anymore?..............

Does my comment say anything about going to the theaters???? ;););)

06-08-11, 11:20 PM
Does my comment say anything about going to the theaters???? ;););)

=)) You Da MAN!!! :-bd