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View Full Version : First team to 100K,500K, 1M & 10M rankings

08-30-11, 03:57 PM
Thinking about putting a page up for this..

Teams with the most 1st places to 100K

mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't100000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team | count(*) |
| SETI.USA | 34 |
| SETI.Germany | 9 |
| BOINC Synergy | 7 |
| Czech National Team | 5 |
| Sicituradastra. | 5 |
| BOINC@Poland | 5 |
| L'Alliance Francophone | 4 |
| AMD Users | 4 |
| BOINCstats | 4 |
| PBToyz | 4 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Teams with the most 1st places to 500K
mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't500000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team | count(*) |
| SETI.USA | 23 |
| SETI.Germany | 11 |
| BOINC Synergy | 5 |
| Free-DC | 5 |
| Team Norway | 3 |
| L'Alliance Francophone | 3 |
| Czech National Team | 3 |
| Planet 3DNow! | 3 |
| CANAL@Boinc | 2 |
| Picard | 2 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Teams with the most 1st places to 1M
mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't1000000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team | count(*) |
| SETI.USA | 15 |
| SETI.Germany | 12 |
| L'Alliance Francophone | 8 |
| BOINC@Poland | 5 |
| CANAL@Boinc | 4 |
| BOINC Synergy | 4 |
| USA | 4 |
| Free-DC | 4 |
| Ukraine | 2 |
| Team Starfire World BOINC | 2 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Teams with the most 1st places to 10M
mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't10000000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team | count(*) |
| SETI.USA | 8 |
| L'Alliance Francophone | 5 |
| Ars Technica | 4 |
| SETI.Germany | 3 |
| Electronic Sports League (ESL) | 2 |
| UH IT HPC | 2 |
| Sicituradastra. | 2 |
| Canada | 2 |
| BOINC@Poland | 2 |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)

08-30-11, 04:07 PM
Me likey!

That may prove to be a good incentive for teams with a limited variety of project participation.

08-30-11, 08:08 PM
By all means! My plan is that I'll be adding a few of these in the next couple of days for the team. :)

08-31-11, 09:22 AM
We can call them Zombies?

08-31-11, 10:16 AM
Awesome stat Bok. Could you add it to the "Combined Teams" front page? Sort of like you have the "your CPID page" That way when someone looks at the overall team stats it also shows the mega milestones. Otherwise I feel it will just be buried and no one will notice it.

08-31-11, 02:05 PM
Good idea, you da man!

08-31-11, 04:58 PM
hmm, you mean put in a 'header type' part there. Maybe, I think it'll be a bit sparse unless I add a bit more to it. Thinking...

Awesome stat Bok. Could you add it to the "Combined Teams" front page? Sort of like you have the "your CPID page" That way when someone looks at the overall team stats it also shows the mega milestones. Otherwise I feel it will just be buried and no one will notice it.

08-31-11, 07:06 PM
hmm, you mean put in a 'header type' part there.

Exactly. Add some buttons & bows, make it look pretty. :p