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View Full Version : Average Team Rank across Projects milestone(?)

11-06-10, 10:41 PM
I noticed this score on Free-DC awhile back. While somewhat meaningless and somewhat easily manipulted it is an interesting measure. To have a good score you have to be ranked high on your team in whatever projects you crunch (which leaves Zombie and Maxwell out with all their 1oK projects I would think). If you crunch only one project long enough you can get a good score. If you only crunch small projects you can get a good average.

So while we were reaching for 10 billion I've been trying to improve my score on this. Currently, across 19 projects I have crunched (18 currently with SUSA) my average team rank across projects is in the top 10%:actually 9.68421%. If I work on Einstien and Rossetta I might be able to improve this a bit more. Maybe to less than 9%.

I would think to be a truer indicator of crunchin fortitude/persistence one should have at least 5 projects if not at least 10 projects you've been involved with for the team.

11-06-10, 10:57 PM
That stat is much more useful for smaller teams with about the same number of people on each project.

Easiest way to improve your score? Don't crunch SETI for SETI.USA. I'm over 1M there, and still ranked 312 on the team...

Actually, the multitude of projects is what keeps my score on that stat as low as it is - most new projects don't get a lot of traffic, so it's easy to maintain team ranks around 10 or so.