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09-01-11, 04:11 PM
Electricity bill was over $500!!

I'm only currently running 4 machines too. I had planned on adding more, but that's not happening until winter.

I'm going to turn off the oldest machines (AMD Athlon XP 2000 and Core2 duo 6600) as they don't produce much.

Also turned off overclocking on my remaining 2 machines i7-2600k, i7-920.

I guess I wasn't expecting that much power usage, but I do run a portable AC to cool my pc's 24/7.

Kind of a downer really...

09-01-11, 04:45 PM
Electricity bill was over $500!!

I'm only currently running 4 machines too. I had planned on adding more, but that's not happening until winter.

I'm going to turn off the oldest machines (AMD Athlon XP 2000 and Core2 duo 6600) as they don't produce much.

Also turned off overclocking on my remaining 2 machines i7-2600k, i7-920.

I guess I wasn't expecting that much power usage, but I do run a portable AC to cool my pc's 24/7.

Kind of a downer really...

Better to focus on 1 or 2 good crunchers, that you can keep running.

I know I donīt produce as much as you guys...But my current production I can keep up for years!! Oh, and BTW...My powerbill comes every 3 months...Last quarter were around 900$..

09-01-11, 04:49 PM
Better to focus on 1 or 2 good crunchers, that you can keep running.

I know I donīt produce as much as you guys...But my current production I can keep up for years!! Oh, and BTW...My powerbill comes every 3 months...Last quarter were around 900$..

I hear ya!

So, I forgot I had a killawat meter and I checked the portable AC unit, which I'm assuming uses the most electricity and it comes out to about $170/month. I need to verify the actual rate I'm paying though. I'll check my pc's later when I have time.

So, maybe I can just put my old pc's in the garage with a fan.

Crazybob's Son
09-01-11, 05:34 PM
Wow! yeah definitely focus on one or two good crunchers. At the same time, you can look at it as the glass is half full. Turn off the portable ac unit and you have a free sauna that doesn't require steam or rocks :D.

- Jason

Cruncher Pete
09-01-11, 06:31 PM
Electricity costs is a sure point with me. In Australia the cost of Electricity has risen to over 40% in the last year alone and that has been a consistent trend.. I can not understand why this is so,(accept to say that his is a prelude to yet more costs when our new legislation that will introduce Carbon Tax on all of us next July.) We export coal and Uranium to run an Electricity stations around the world yet at home we are paying multiple times the amount paid for same usage. I an not see how a tax will reduce the carbon that we put in the atmosphere unless we change the method of doing things to reduce this. We will soon be on candle power again for we can not afford the cost of running Electricity. The way I see it is this. In the state of Tx for example. I believe the cost of power per 1KW is 8C. I am paying well over 22C for the same power, yet it was Australia that exported the coal to the USA in the first place.. I am retired, I look at crunching as a hobby or in some respect as a sport. Admittedly, in my younger days, I used to pay something similar for my enjoyment of sport. To me the way we are heading is that pensioners like me need to cut out the use of power and go back to candle power for that is all they will be able to afford. I will keep crunching as long as I can, but even now I am reviewing my commitment for $1200+ in three months is too much for my budget. Yet, this is at a reduced rate for I am only running 2 machines 24/7 and than change to three or four every second day or so to keep up the Average. I have no idea what it would cost me if I to run my 12 machines 24/7. Simply, I just can not afford it...Yet this is supposed to be for a Non-profit Volunteer aspect of the hobby that if we find the answer to what Scientists are looking for somebody will make a fortune out of it but I can not see that it will be any of us.. Never the less,

Keep on crunching and have a nice day...

09-01-11, 07:51 PM
Yeah...I am sad to say I hear you man. I recently had to down grade myself due to space and power bill ... I would not run the two old boxes - unless they have big GPUs in them, probably honestly not worth the money. The old rigs can really suck down the juice for a pittance of return in credits. I know, because I did an analysis on running an old P4 rig that I had...it literally wasn't worth it to turn it on. :D Maybe time for a little Craigslist action?
Also, if the A/C is just for the rigs...I would totally shut it off and just drop all O/C on everything, and it should be able to run pretty well at ambient temps. Just my thoughts, and sorry to hear about the news.

09-01-11, 08:12 PM
Electricity bill was over $500!!

I'll trade you three of yours for one of mine...seriously.

Cruncher Pete
09-01-11, 09:24 PM
I'll trade you three of yours for one of mine...seriously.

That is a fair enough comment to the number of machines you are running, but not a fair comparison as to what you are paying for 1KW of Electricity as per you bill. In fact, you would be surprided to see the difference in sates at to this cost. So, why not, let us check out in each states what you are paying per 1KW pf usage and that way we can compare relativity. To a start, I am paying 24C per KW. What is yours?

09-01-11, 10:46 PM
...So, why not, let us check out in each states what you are paying per 1KW pf usage and that way we can compare relativity. To a start, I am paying 24C per KW. What is yours?MN Twin Cities Metro $0.13/kWh

09-01-11, 11:02 PM
That is a fair enough comment to the number of machines you are running, but not a fair comparison as to what you are paying for 1KW of Electricity as per you bill. In fact, you would be surprided to see the difference in sates at to this cost. So, why not, let us check out in each states what you are paying per 1KW pf usage and that way we can compare relativity. To a start, I am paying 24C per KW. What is yours?

It's not that simple. The power here in PG&E land is tiered. Completely Byzantine and indecipherable, and the rates change every two weeks.

Baseline usage is defined as 370 kwh. Is that enough to run a house? Anyway, here is the table from the two two-week periods from June, all kwh:

Up to baseline is $0.12
100-130% of baseline is $0.14
131-200% of baseline is $0.30
201-300% of baseline is $0.37
over 300% of baseline is $0.37

My kwh in the same tiers respectively:

270 (2%)
111 (1%)
259 (4%)
370 (7%)
4712 (86%)

Bottom line, my average usage for June was $0.35.

Cruncher Pete
09-01-11, 11:32 PM
It's not that simple. The power here in PG&E land is tiered. Completely Byzantine and indecipherable, and the rates change every two weeks.

Baseline usage is defined as 370 kwh. Is that enough to run a house? Anyway, here is the table from the two two-week periods from June, all kwh:

Up to baseline is $0.12
100-130% of baseline is $0.14
131-200% of baseline is $0.30
201-300% of baseline is $0.37
over 300% of baseline is $0.37

My kwh in the same tiers respectively:

270 (2%)
111 (1%)
259 (4%)
370 (7%)
4712 (86%)

Bottom line, my average usage for June was $0.35.

I kind of felt that it is not as simple as it sounds, and if it goes up to 35c/KW usage here, I will switch everything off and will cook on wood outside. (that by the way is already illegal.) If there is an Administration of any kind, weather local, state or Federal, there tends to be a way of extracting from you the most possible. It is also coming to our state, where there will be a so Called "Smart Meter" installed at you premises and it will calculate your use according to on peak, verses off peak rates. I can see where that is heading now, if you use a candle power only, you will be charged ex amount of cents etc. (It already happened that a person disconnected from the Power supply yet still had to pay the minimum charge dictated by the company according to their last power meter reading and it will be ad infinitum). If you are a normal family of at least two, you will be charged more and more according to their Meter reading that they will be able to manipulate as THEIR standard. There is already a revolt against this at least in one of our states. Where there are these Smart Meters were installed the locals actually gone on strike and refused to pay their bill and let the law dictate fairness...Unfortunately, the law is an Ass and is not designed to help the average person and will side with the company who will declare that you have agreed with their terms at the time of signing up with them. I am not looking forward to the future in this regard...

Keep on crunching and have anice day...

09-02-11, 12:44 AM
For Michigan Residential Customers

Power Supply Charges:

Energy Charges:
6.726Ē per kWh for the first 17 kWh per day
8.136Ē per kWh for excess over 17 kWh per day

Delivery Charges:
Service Charge: $6.00 per month
Distribution Charge: 4.195Ē per kWh for all kWh

09-02-11, 12:59 AM
It is also coming to our state, where there will be a so Called "Smart Meter" installed at you premises and it will calculate your use according to on peak, verses off peak rates.

Oh yes, that is now in my state too. Major uprisings against them. Frankly, it's not the way that they measure that pisses me off. It the lack of competition, mandated by the government (bought by the unions), that is the problem. That plus the greenies that refuse nuclear power (idiots), and at the same time demand carbon taxes on fossil fuel. All the while decrying the loss of jobs because business leave the state, and the poor can't afford to pay power bills. The obvious solution is to raise taxes on the few businesses remaining to subsidize solar/wind/whatever, which can't pay for itself.

It's clear to me that we are too soft-headed to survive. Enjoy and exploit what you can, while we spiral down the drain.

09-02-11, 01:29 AM
Looks like my average is about $0.27 per kWh.

Based on that, running my portable A/C will cost about $197. (According to my Killawatt meter).

So, limiting the A/C would definitely help...hurry up winter...

Retiring the slow machines is probably what I'll end up doing , at least until it gets cold enough to use them as heaters :)

But it is true that I'm not really getting much out of them. The Athlon can only run a single task...slowly. The cd2 6600 can only run 2 tasks, but has my GTX 260. Perhaps I should look into getting a reasonably cheep Phenom or low end i7 to replace those 2.

and Zombie...you may need to build your own nuclear reactor to power all of those rigs. Your bill...wow.

09-02-11, 01:30 AM
Zombie, I would like to quote your post and coming from Alaska to California, say, "Amen, AMen, AMEN!!!" :((

09-02-11, 01:47 AM
Zombie, I would like to quote your post and coming from Alaska to California, say, "Amen, AMen, AMEN!!!" :((

Quote away.

09-02-11, 08:31 AM
Yup... Its not the cost of the computer that hurts... its the ability to run it that does for me.

NY, im at 18c a Kwh.. I've cut down and stopped using AC's unless its unbearable.. I shut my crunchers down this summer to keep the heat under control..

It sucks because Id buy 5 crunchers.. but running them would cost me the cost of 1 cruncher every 2 months.. at that point why bother..

as a single guy with a house, money decisions get hard.. and hobbys are the first to take the budget cuts lol

09-02-11, 10:11 AM
After my last power bill of almost $400 my crunchers, printer, monitors, routers and everything else that I don't need to keep my phone up and running with VOIP has been shut down. They will not be turned on at least for the foreseeable future. Just can't afford to donate that type of $. I had 3 crunchers running along with 5 GPU's. If I can cut the power I will be back. Until then I have to stay away from crunching.

09-02-11, 10:22 AM
Las Vegas, Nevada 0.116 cents per kWh.

I don't have a problem with companies or anyone else developing alternative energy generation; however, it's can't be generalized like so many people do. What might make sense to install in New York would never pay for itself in Las Vegas because of that vast difference in rates. I don't know how many people I run across in my job that says, "We should install solar panels on the roof." I tell them that one, you couldn't install enough panels on the roof to scratch what the building requires for energy and second, the cost of the installation would never pay for itself. People just don't get it through their head that coal is cheap... like it or not.


With the tiered smart metering that is coming, we're going to have to run rigs during non-peak times. :(

09-02-11, 12:14 PM
Yeah...I am sad to say I hear you man. I recently had to down grade myself due to space and power bill ... I would not run the two old boxes - unless they have big GPUs in them, probably honestly not worth the money. The old rigs can really suck down the juice for a pittance of return in credits. I know, because I did an analysis on running an old P4 rig that I had...it literally wasn't worth it to turn it on. :D Maybe time for a little Craigslist action?
Also, if the A/C is just for the rigs...I would totally shut it off and just drop all O/C on everything, and it should be able to run pretty well at ambient temps. Just my thoughts, and sorry to hear about the news.

If you shut down the portable AC, and drop the OC on the rigs Iīll bet you will save half your bill. OC of rigs raises the "juice-sucking" equal..And if itīs a older PC that you OC....MAN...Those old P4īs were really power hungry!!

09-02-11, 03:09 PM
If you would just install $50,000 worth of solar panel, you could run those computers for free! You know, free power from the Sun. Go green! :))

Duke of Buckingham
09-03-11, 10:13 AM
Yeha go green and feel like Hulk;)


09-03-11, 10:46 AM
My landlord charges me directly for my power.
No matter how much power I use, he charges me $0.30/Kwh. My highest usage on record was 1057Kw for the month of May 15th to June 15th. This produced a bill of $317. Last month was 953Kw for $285. Meanwhile a friend of mine that lives just five miles away is paying less than $60/month while living in a regular full size house with all the amenities. He's not a cruncher however, so he doesn't have boxes running 24/7 like me.

My house is 240 SqF. I have a dorm size frige, microwave and two computers running 24/7. Propane for the stove and water heater. That runs me at the rate of about the current gasoline prices and the tank is 150gal. They come to fill it once a year and last time is was over $300. The year before it was over $400 and I have to pay that all at once within 10 days or the landlord gets pissy about it. I don't usually have 300 or 400 bucks just laying around and I never know when they are going to come fill the thing. They just show up one day and I find the bill hanging on my doorknob.

09-03-11, 12:18 PM
My landlord charges me directly for my power.
No matter how much power I use, he charges me $0.30/Kwh. My highest usage on record was 1057Kw for the month of May 15th to June 15th. This produced a bill of $317. Last month was 953Kw for $285. Meanwhile a friend of mine that lives just five miles away is paying less than $60/month while living in a regular full size house with all the amenities. He's not a cruncher however, so he doesn't have boxes running 24/7 like me.

My house is 240 SqF. I have a dorm size frige, microwave and two computers running 24/7. Propane for the stove and water heater. That runs me at the rate of about the current gasoline prices and the tank is 150gal. They come to fill it once a year and last time is was over $300. The year before it was over $400 and I have to pay that all at once within 10 days or the landlord gets pissy about it. I don't usually have 300 or 400 bucks just laying around and I never know when they are going to come fill the thing. They just show up one day and I find the bill hanging on my doorknob.

Propane stove??? I hope you have good ventalation and a carbon monoxide alarm in your place.

Dr. Dan
09-04-11, 03:42 AM
With the ac going and all my toys it cost me 586.00 last month. Maybe its time to buy a wind generator..:):)


Duke of Buckingham
09-04-11, 05:15 AM

Yeha do that.\m/

Green Duke
http://www.greens.org.uk/images/gallery/duke_street_1.jpgGreen Duke Restaurant

09-05-11, 01:20 AM
Propane stove??? I hope you have good ventalation and a carbon monoxide alarm in your place.
I do, but propane, I don't think, is any more dangerous than natural gas. I've never had an issue with it anyway.

Cruncher Pete
09-05-11, 01:26 AM
Hey Yo, I know that you and all of us I am sure are trying to conserve power, but did you have to turn off the lights on your Avatar as well? That bum is a lot darker than before...:)

09-05-11, 02:08 AM
I turned up the lights... :D


09-06-11, 10:22 AM
Hey Yo, I know that you and all of us I am sure are trying to conserve power, but did you have to turn off the lights on your Avatar as well? That bum is a lot darker than before...:)

Yeah, I noticed it looked a little dark but I haven't changed it in any way, so I don't know why it should have changed.

09-07-11, 12:26 AM
Just in case any of you are wondering what is attached to that bum, click the thumbnail.
As you can see, she is serious about doing her job and it is a job she does very well.
She might wear funny looking boots, have a "do" that's a bit loco and carries a strange
looking wand with her, but she knows how to kick a$$ and kisses VERY nicely!


09-15-11, 11:25 AM
If you would just install $50,000 worth of solar panel, you could run those computers for free! You know, free power from the Sun. Go green! :))

Saw an ad the other day - just $150 for 45w solar panel. It looked about 4' x 4' in size. So... to power the 2 x 2200w backup power supplies alone would require 98 of them which is only $14,210 plus tax, shipping etc. To power the entire hose would be about $40K (including batteries, switch to put excess into the grid, etc.). The problem is that I would need over 3000 square feet of solar panels and I don't have that much southern facing roof area, the trees block the sun in the back yard, and there's not enough sunlight in the front yard (shadow of the house most the day).

Maybe I need a wind farm!

09-15-11, 11:51 AM
Sounds like all you need to do is talk to all your neighbors and get each one to put a few of the panels on their houses and send the power over to your house. Just explain your great love of crunching and that this will help your sanity and of course mankind. I am sure they will understand and help out.;););):D:D:D

09-15-11, 01:11 PM
Saw an ad the other day - just $150 for 45w solar panel. It looked about 4' x 4' in size. So... to power the 2 x 2200w backup power supplies alone would require 98 of them which is only $14,210 plus tax, shipping etc. To power the entire hose would be about $40K (including batteries, switch to put excess into the grid, etc.). The problem is that I would need over 3000 square feet of solar panels and I don't have that much southern facing roof area, the trees block the sun in the back yard, and there's not enough sunlight in the front yard (shadow of the house most the day).

Maybe I need a wind farm!

Yeppers. An alternative energy matrix is the best solution for most people. So where you live would determine the mix of solar (photoelectric & thermal), wind and in some regions water or geothermal might be possible.

09-15-11, 03:04 PM
With the weather rapidly cooling down here in Las Vegas, it was 111° 3 weeks ago and it was 66° this morning, I should be able to keep my systems running on a regular basis as we enter the winter months. I have budgeted $150 a month for power so I should be able to stay in this range without the need of the AC running all of the time.

As far as alternative energy, I am still currently acquiring equipment to start my photography business along with finishing up with a lengthy list of licensing requirements but once I am done I will be purchasing this little gem. The Extreme Adventure Kit (http://www.goalzero.com/shop/p/64/Extreme-350-Adventure-Kit/1:3/)... it will provide power to run my laptop in addition to a couple peripherals for short terms. One location I will be working from has power the other does not so this device will provide what I need. With some additional solar panels, I plan on using it as a 'draw' for people to my business who may be curious... it couldn't hurt. :)

All of my studio lighting have dedicated power packs, so I will be completely portable which was one of my main goals.

09-15-11, 03:18 PM
Yeppers. An alternative energy matrix is the best solution for most people. So where you live would determine the mix of solar (photoelectric & thermal), wind and in some regions water or geothermal might be possible.

With one issue of not having enough surface area to generate all of the power required to run a building, NV Energy here will allow you to do what is called "Net Metering." Basically, we have a few sites where the roofs are covered with a flexible PV system. There is only enough square footage to generate ~30% of the power required for the building; the power that is generated is used by the building using specialized transfer equipment and NV Energy offsets the power bill by 30% so there is at least a little savings.

The cost of installation is still somewhat prohibitive; if it weren't for the state and government rebate incentives, we would not have installed much of this equipment. We do it mainly as a 'feel good' program to tell the public that we care about being 'green' and 'global climate disruption' or whatever they are calling it this week.

Frankly, from my experience, being green is one of the biggest lies that the public is being sold on in the energy industry... but that is another story.

09-16-11, 05:26 PM
Or you could just sneak some extension cords to your neighbor's house. ;)

09-16-11, 05:53 PM
Or you could just sneak some extension cords to your neighbor's house. ;)

I like it!

Duke of Buckingham
09-16-11, 07:57 PM
I am always higly organized on my wires. Some say I am a bit wired.:((

My cats run out of home and are waitting for the fire

That will never happen as long I have water