View Full Version : Wow. Another reason CreditNew is really messed up...

10-30-11, 08:15 PM
...and this has nothing to do with credits.


10-30-11, 09:13 PM
<---- Just shakes his head in abject depression.........

10-31-11, 12:55 AM
<---- Just shakes his head in abject depression.........

I don't even understand their entire premise for screwing with it! Somebody do something...:((b-( I wish I knew what "it" was to do. :confused:

Duke of Buckingham
10-31-11, 02:39 AM
I am feeling really depressive with this New CreditNews. Goodbye cruel world with CreditNews.
http://m.s11.heylog.com/heylog/pics/6b/6ba4239db6ea8e53b457d1e334a13ed4_jpg_300x400_q60.j pg

Really Mad Duke

11-02-11, 03:46 PM
Just start boycotting any project with CreditNew (or projects that give crap for the work your machines put into it). Projects will wise up and not use it. Like I said, if people have the skills to code WUs, they should have the skills to replace the credit system on their boinc server.

I wasn't around for Aqua, but I heard they folded because they adopted CreditNew and there was a lot of drama over it... what I just don't get is why Aqua didn't just grab older source code from earlier boinc servers and replace the code in the new servers? Or at least use the older credit code as a foundation to code their own.

11-02-11, 04:08 PM
Good question. I don't know what happened, but I know it started crashing my rigs like crazy. Pity too, because it was a cool project science wise and sweetest CPU credits you ever did see. :cool:

I like the idea of publicly boycotting any project with CreditNew. Of course, some of our MM chasing members probably won't like that, but...I think it's a sound policy to adopt as a general rule. The more we stand united on the subject the more projects will listen.

11-02-11, 04:58 PM
I like the idea of collecting MMs, and I plan to grab as many as I can, but I don't think I'd crunch Millions of stones on a project vs a project that gives me 10M for every 1-2M I'd get from a crappy credit project.

Part of me sees what DA was trying to do with CreditNew. I do think projects should be "optimized" so that credit is granted similar across all boinc projects. Basically so one WU on one project can't give out (for example) 5,000 on one project and 50,000 on another for the same amount of CPU/GPU used.

There should be a nice lil formula for CPUs and GPUs that generates credit for the worked done on each WU. Not time based but how many M, G, or Tflops the Wu took to complete be it in 10mins or 10 hours.

That's as far as equality as I'll go. A fast machine shoiuld be able to make like 5K, 5K, 5K, 5K, off 4 Wus if it can do them in the time a slow one can do 1 for 5K

This way, people can devote resources to the project(s) they like and not have to worry about some errant project coming along that gives UBER credits out. Also it would put project leaders mind's at rest that another project won't pull people away due it giving out unbalanced credit.

That's where I see CreditNew falling apart. It penalizes fast machines because DA wants to make people with slower, fewer computers "feel special"

If you want to feel special.. go see a shrink :) DA should probably see a shrink too LOL. Clearly he doesn't feel special :)