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View Full Version : Woot your winter time cruncher is online...

11-17-11, 02:11 AM
Heya folks... hope everyone had a wonderful summer and for those that are new im the winter cruncher as i found it much more fun to heat my home with computers then using those borring heaters... ;)..

Got a few new toys since last year a AMD/ATI 5770 and a AMD/ATI 4850x2 which i just ordered a power supply for and of course i still got my 3 NVIDA 8800 (2xGT/1xGTS). Im still considering wether turning on the old p3 rack had really bad performance issues with em last year only projects i could do was rosetta and one other cant recall and couldnt get a constant wu or they would expire before completing.

I gots allot of catching up to do on the forums, im not a supper active forum member but i been around for a long time just been silent.

If you got sugestions on what projects you would like me to concentrate on or better yet how to get the most work load out of each model video card please let me know and fast my wife's feet are getting colder every day im starting to suffer at night.. hehe...

11-17-11, 07:39 AM
Well welcome to the boards Coron, lots of good info here, first thing is to get the non CPU intensive stuff running. That would be "Freehal, WUProp, and surveill. After that it's whatever you like. My old Dell can crunch DisTrRTgen in about 6 hours. Try a few projects to see what you system likes, and be sure to check back here as I'm sure you'll get some other input. Keep warm!! ;)

11-17-11, 09:01 AM
Heya fogle thanks for the warm welcome... :)

Just the info i was looking for... been working on getting everything updated drivers and what not... So loaded up Freehal and WUProp on all the machines, unfortunately surveill is not accepting new accounts so will have to keep an eye on it.

curently got all the 8800 and the 5770 on primegrid just cause im familiar with it from last year was expecting the 5770 to do much better then it is. maybe its just wishfull thinking since its one of my newer cards (CPU HOG).. :P will have to dig around to see what the norm is for all these cards to make sure im on the right track. Will have to say my computer room is nice and toastie... look maaaa no heaters... hehe

The old p4 class stuff i got running rosetta since this is a project the wife and I like.

so now i will be awaiting the powersupply which should be here from newegg in a few days to power up that 4850x2 cant wait to see what it can do... hmmm maybe it can make me some hot chocolate..

Im gearing up for a new machine just dont know what the eta will be... (im supper cheap) i always wait for that ubber rebate and coupon codes hehe...

Thanks again for the info

11-17-11, 09:55 AM
Hey there..

Welcome back in the fold...Itīs always nice to hear from other parts of the world! So how has the summer turned out for you??

For maximum credits....Itīs Ati cards on Moo!Wrapper/Collatz and PG/DisTRGen for Nvidia cards. Then there is Free-hal and others for non-CPU intensive...and finally for CPU itīs DisTRGen/Primaboinca. Both with fixed credit per CPU WU.

Have fun!

11-17-11, 01:27 PM
Welcome back to the boards. I upgraded some of my machines to be more effecient and now I need to turn the heat on at night because they ain't pump'n out what they used to. Hope your PSU arrives soon so we can include you in our power experiment at the beginning of December. Gonna see what these things can do combined. Again, welcome back!

11-17-11, 01:57 PM
Hi coronicus, I'm glad you made your way back. Now get crunching! :P

11-17-11, 02:40 PM
Heya beerdrinker

Oh my summer couldnt end fast enough just now getting cold. TBH this summer was the worse but the good news is that its over and looking forward to much better times.

Thanks for the ati info swaped the 5770 over to collatz and woot the cpu calmed down so that means i got an extra cpu core to put to work on something else

Heya crazybob

Just read the december kick off so will be planning on moving projects on the 1st and looking forward to push the team ahead

Heya fire$torm

The farm is officially in crunch mode... hehe

Just checked on the the shipping on the ps and its gonna be here tonite WOOT... I just ordered this yesterday mornin... :)

11-17-11, 02:42 PM

Duke of Buckingham
11-17-11, 02:57 PM

Very very sweet and now let's go to work. They need our help for a better world. Crunch on. And Welcome to the Team.


11-17-11, 03:03 PM

Very very sweet and now let's go to work. They need our help for a better world. Crunch on. And Welcome to the Team.


Awe man, now I'm hungry. :)

11-17-11, 04:05 PM
Welcolme! I'm doing the same thing with my pc's, heating up the house! :)

11-18-11, 07:30 AM
Welcome Back Home!!! %%-