View Full Version : Help i cant ge to the boxes

11-29-11, 05:06 PM

OMG they blocked my door had to crawl out my window.... =))

j/k did have to run around the house triping on everything on the way cause i was to excited lol....

WOOT my toys..... bbl got some unpacking to do and a wife to ignore for the evening hehe....

John P. Myers
11-29-11, 05:10 PM
LOL nice! have fun with your new toys :D

11-29-11, 05:20 PM

ugh hate my camera phone but here it is time for to get to work... :)

John P. Myers
11-29-11, 06:03 PM
That pic made my pants tight...just sayin...

11-29-11, 06:36 PM
That pic made my pants tight...just sayin...

Ohh man!!! =))=))=))

Can't wait to see this monster all put together.

11-29-11, 07:05 PM
Looks like Xmas came early!

11-29-11, 07:09 PM
WOOT my toys..... bbl got some unpacking to do and a wife to ignore for the evening hehe....

LOL! This is by far the best line of the year........ =))

Congrats on the toyz,,, err, I mean hardware. :D

11-29-11, 09:59 PM
Sweetness! :D So cool. I just got my rig put back together with the new stuff and in the new case as well. I'll try to upload some camera phone pics myself in a bit...did a little side by side with the HAF-932 for you all since I had them both sitting there together.

11-29-11, 10:06 PM
Sweetness! :D So cool. I just got my rig put back together with the new stuff and in the new case as well. I'll try to upload some camera phone pics myself in a bit...did a little side by side with the HAF-932 for you all since I had them both sitting there together.

OHH, MAN I'm sooooo Jones-ing reading all of this. I really wanted to get that H100 but had to forgo it for the GPU. I know it's better for my rac. But a Thor case and a H100 would have looked better.

I'm happy for you both.

MORE PICS.!!!!!!

John P. Myers
11-29-11, 10:07 PM
Sweetness! :D So cool. I just got my rig put back together with the new stuff and in the new case as well. I'll try to upload some camera phone pics myself in a bit...did a little side by side with the HAF-932 for you all since I had them both sitting there together.

Pics Pics Pics!

11-30-11, 02:19 AM
Arrrgghhhh! It's a conspiracy, I say! :p Can't get the pics off the phone for nothing - I've tried to email them to my Gmail account (which has always worked before) and it just stays on "sending message". Then I tried to add my Picasa account so I could just upload them, and that hangs my phone like 2/3 of the way along the progress bar. What is going on???:confused:

11-30-11, 02:39 AM
Well all systems go... That H100 is nuts and huge but the temps are insanly low cant wait to play with some OC... but need to let the system burn in a bit before playing... hehe... so letting the gpu go all out tonite and hopefully slowly crank things up tomorow...

bedtime for me so have a goodnite folks...

11-30-11, 05:16 AM
REPOST! What an amazing set of hardware! :cool: ^:)^


11-30-11, 11:28 AM
OMG my new computer was as tired as i was it went to sleep soon after me... NO NO NO that will not work.... Pulls out the whip and goes to town... That wont happen again..... =))

11-30-11, 12:16 PM
OMG my new computer was as tired as i was it went to sleep soon after me... NO NO NO that will not work.... Pulls out the whip and goes to town... That wont happen again..... =))

Hahaha! :)) =)) Yes, MUST turn off that annoying little sleep feature! You'd think the manufacturer was trying to save you electricity or something! :D

11-30-11, 04:21 PM
Since im still waiting on the casing here are some pics with the systems on the test bench...

New system

Old system

Here is one to laugh at...

Check out the black casing whats hanging out is the 8800gt with that pcie extender cable i purchased since a dumb capacitor wouldnt let it sit in the right spot amazingly enough it runs cooler now then it ever did....

Oh did you see the stack of cd spindles well it does have a purpose... Its putting presure down on the heatsink for the cpu (broken plastic mount for the heatsink attackment)

anyhow i hope you enjoyed the pics... Will take some more once i clean off my desk and get those casings in...

11-30-11, 06:21 PM
OMG they blocked my door had to crawl out my window.... =))

Awesome! Your door opens outward?

I am in a similar position. My case arrived today, and the guts arrive tomorrow. Weeee!


11-30-11, 06:44 PM
AH man no fair yours came with an action figure...

11-30-11, 07:03 PM
HAAHAHAHHAAHAH!!! those are some great pics. I got my card in and running in my gaming box temporarily. I'll move it to my cruncher tomorrow.

11-30-11, 07:30 PM
Got the 4 5970's this Afternoon, actually sold 1 of them yesterday for $440 Netted me $405 after shipping & AMAZON taking their cut so I made over $100 on the Card, probably will try to sell another 1 & just keep 2 for a total cost of $400 to me for the 2 Cards, cheap crunching ... lol

11-30-11, 09:02 PM
Got the 4 5970's this Afternoon, actually sold 1 of them yesterday for $440 Netted me $405 after shipping & AMAZON taking their cut so I made over $100 on the Card, probably will try to sell another 1 & just keep 2 for a total cost of $400 to me for the 2 Cards, cheap crunching ... lol

Very nice!! Then you'll keep the other cards you have for sale? Fill those hungry pci-e sluts, err slots

12-01-11, 03:19 AM
Very nice!! Then you'll keep the other cards you have for sale? Fill those hungry pci-e sluts, err slots

No their still for Sale, their mostly just Spares anyway so I may as well try to clear them out during the Holidays. That's when people are looking for Used Cards & I make most of my Sales ... :)

12-01-11, 08:07 AM
:D ... Sold another one of the 5970's this morning for even a little more, was really torn whether to sell it or not but ended up selling it. Still have 2 already installed & will end up paying only $400 for the 2 of them, wish I would have ordered more now ... :)]

12-01-11, 11:56 AM
:D ... Sold another one of the 5970's this morning for even a little more, was really torn whether to sell it or not but ended up selling it. Still have 2 already installed & will end up paying only $400 for the 2 of them, wish I would have ordered more now ... :)]

Wow. That is the smart way to subsidize this hobby. :D Big congrats.

12-01-11, 12:43 PM
:D ... Sold another one of the 5970's this morning for even a little more, was really torn whether to sell it or not but ended up selling it. Still have 2 already installed & will end up paying only $400 for the 2 of them, wish I would have ordered more now ... :)]

Nice! I may have to try to sell mine on Ebay or something and go a different route for the upgrade. We'll see if the egg gives any hassles or charges me to return it.:p

12-01-11, 03:12 PM
Nice! I may have to try to sell mine on Ebay or something and go a different route for the upgrade. We'll see if the egg gives any hassles or charges me to return it.:p

Why, whats wrong with it, 1 of mine is working like a charm but the other one is running way slower than the 1'st one, I have to go out & look at it & try a few things to see f I can get it to run like it should. Possibly put it in a different Box & see what happens ...

12-08-11, 02:01 AM

Finally flashed both 6950's and was successfull. :-bd They now have the same shader count as the 6970 WOOT... Still havent overclocked em yet gonna give them a little more time to burn in with the new shader's enabled and make sure its working correctly..

12-08-11, 02:41 AM
Awesome! That means you got a smoking deal on two 6970s! :cool:

Duke of Buckingham
12-08-11, 08:52 AM

12-09-11, 01:50 PM
Things are running smooth finally got my casing in today and its a beast can't wait to play with it but since the wcg challenge kicked off gonna wait till the end before putting it together... FOR THE TEAM :-bd

On the OC front figured it was time to push it a bit since were needing more cpu power so overclocked the I7 2600k to 4.3ghz without having to touch the voltage how cool is that. :cool: also kicked the ram up to 1600 with better timing hopefully that will help feed that beast more wu faster :p

12-09-11, 02:03 PM
Oh man, that is killer! Sounds awesome, you got a heck of a deal with a CPU that O/Cs that good and then BIOS flashing your 6950s to 6970s! What a great day for your RAC and for Team SETI.USA! Many thanks, my man. :)

12-09-11, 04:13 PM

Finally flashed both 6950's and was successfull. :-bd They now have the same shader count as the 6970 WOOT... Still havent overclocked em yet gonna give them a little more time to burn in with the new shader's enabled and make sure its working correctly..

Can't remember the last time I was flashed :-$:cool::-$

12-09-11, 04:31 PM
What kind (Brand & Model) 6950 did you buy ???

12-09-11, 05:09 PM
Took a huge risk on the Diamond 6950PE52G since they sell two Dif versions on the same sku.. :-ss I figured for 210 each with a 5 year warranty I took the risk and got lucky. \:D/ Received two reference models instead of there dual fan version. SUPER HAPPY 8-}

01-27-12, 03:48 PM
Update: well things are still sitting on a shelf and the casing is cold and empty. When i first planned this system i didn't consider having two video cards but things change right... So purchased a 750w to replace the 650w hopefully this will be more then enough. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151087 The reason for this was im having such an issue keeping moo running at 95%+ not sure if its lack of power or something else im doing wrong. a few pics to show you what i mean.
I doubt the power supply will make a change but atleast i will have more power then needed.

01-27-12, 03:55 PM
Please let me know on that! It's exactly the kind of problem going on with my bro's rig, running 1 HD 5870 on Moo! -- it gives that same problem where the %GPU usage bounces all over the place. Very strange, I never had that problem on any of my rigs before.:confused:

01-27-12, 04:09 PM
Please let me know on that! It's exactly the kind of problem going on with my bro's rig, running 1 HD 5870 on Moo! -- it gives that same problem where the %GPU usage bounces all over the place. Very strange, I never had that problem on any of my rigs before.:confused:

I have also been seeing this on my I7 rig as well. It started about a month ago. Nothing I do will get it to run at 99% like it used to. I only run 6 wu's and leave two available for the gpu's. Still looks like Coro's Pic above. I even ran F$ program to find the faster core. All was well until a month ago. I'm going to blast this whole machine and do a clean install after the challenge see if that helps.

Duke of Buckingham
01-27-12, 05:37 PM
Moo has started a new app maybe you are having problems with it.

01-27-12, 07:53 PM
Ah, maybe it is not on our end, then at all? If Moo! changed something, then it is on their end. Yes - it was Christmas time when I noticed this behavior on Brandon's rig - so 1 month ago.

Don't bother to "give it cores" - as you found out, it doesn't help it go to 99% anymore. I tried everything from 100% to 50% on the CPUs in BOINC, and it didn't make a bit of difference. So in the end, I left Brandon's rig crunching on 100% of the cores, because I figured may as well.

The way these projects are running, I think Collatz is looking better and better...

01-27-12, 08:48 PM
Moo has started a new app maybe you are having problems with it.

Thanks Duke for this bit of info. It explains much.

I too have been having problems with Moo but in a different way. It started last weekend. My desktop started having VPU error fits on my 5830 and now it has gotten so bad that I had to stop crunching with it. But I thought it was an issue with my MB as its NB chip is defective. It might still be that the card is slowly dying and the new app just made it apparent. I'll now for sure after the challenge.

Duke of Buckingham
01-27-12, 11:21 PM
This was an information that Bryan gave me. After Detaching the project it is functionning quite good for me at least. Maybe you should try to do the same. Is not much of an information but I dont know much either.

01-29-12, 02:48 PM
This was an information that Bryan gave me. After Detaching the project it is functionning quite good for me at least. Maybe you should try to do the same. Is not much of an information but I dont know much either.

Yeah was worth a shoot but no go...


So tried the new 12.1 drivers from amd and no go plus caused my computer to crash several times so sounds like they got some bugs to work out of the new drivers.

same with turning on and off CF..

01-29-12, 09:04 PM
I also can't get it to run at 95% or better. I tried what you suggested. I even tried deleting Boinc, rebooting, fresh Boinc install. Reattach. Still up and down like a seesaw.

01-31-12, 03:37 AM
Yep. I installed the HD5870 in Brandon's rig over Christmas. I am going to tell him to try Collatz for awhile, because Moo! is giving his rig some issues, I think. Kind of hard to diagnose everything over the phone, but it seems to be the likely culprit.:p

Duke of Buckingham
01-31-12, 08:54 AM
I understand that. For me crunching a GPU is enough for now. The 5770 gives differents percentages depending on the project but in fact I don`t know why is what and what is why. I am for now having the pleasure of see and mainly ear the GPU crunching. What do I know?

I only know

But I still run from GPU`s mad instructions

02-01-12, 09:44 PM
3:-O Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3:-O

Anyhow the powersupply made it today :D here is some pics..


Hopefully in a few years the gold rating will pay for itself in saving. I know allot of sites say its not worth it but they only see it from a gamers view but 24/7 running it should show some savings atleast I like to think it will. So please no math you will make my head hurt =))

I found my camera cable so i promise the pictures will get better, I hope

02-01-12, 10:24 PM
3:-O Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3:-O

Anyhow the powersupply made it today :D here is some pics..


Hopefully in a few years the gold rating will pay for itself in saving. I know allot of sites say its not worth it but they only see it from a gamers view but 24/7 running it should show some savings atleast I like to think it will. So please no math you will make my head hurt =))

I found my camera cable so i promise the pictures will get better, I hope

Very nice. Is the old one still working? F$ is looking for a 500w. Trying to get him up and running... ~o)

02-01-12, 10:51 PM
Very nice. Is the old one still working? F$ is looking for a 500w. Trying to get him up and running... ~o)

Wish I had a spare but atm I have to send one off for rma and have plans for the 650w once ivy is released.

02-02-12, 10:37 AM
Yeah was worth a shoot but no go...


So tried the new 12.1 drivers from amd and no go plus caused my computer to crash several times so sounds like they got some bugs to work out of the new drivers.

same with turning on and off CF..

The 12.1 are working fine on my 6970. Maybe the new app stresses the GPU more and the overclock is too high to remain stable.

02-02-12, 11:56 AM
The 12.1 are working fine on my 6970. Maybe the new app stresses the GPU more and the overclock is too high to remain stable.

Yeah i though about that thinking maybe the card was downclocking but msi burner thingy didnt show a change in clock speed but i went ahead and reset the bios back to the normal 6950 setting and same deal so im still puzzle im going to assume its the drivers. Since i game on this box i prefer using the newer drivers so just gonna have to bit the bullet on this one till they release a driver that is stable. Atleast milky way is working again with the newer drivers 12.1 was broke for a while with 11.12 and i believe 11.11

edit: ah just realized your using 12.1 this is just crazy my 4850x2 the 5770 the 3850 all run 12.1 and 95% usage so im puzzled the only thing i haven't tinkered with is the cpu oc which i will try out after the simap challenge

02-18-12, 07:08 AM
Well this project is going nowhere lmao... the casing is still empty and in pieces... the computer itself been on the test bench for months now. Im just not winning, ugh, were is charlie sheen when you need him =)) winning!!!

Anyhow here is my problem the H100 radiator will not fit my casing. It has the room at the top but cause i bought these fat corsair vengance ram they are to tall to allow me to get the radiator to fit in so now im at a lose as to what to do... Either purchase the H80 to install on the back fan, replace ram to allow room for the H100 but will still take some modification which will hinder the cooling, or new casing that will allow the memory and H100 to be happy together which atm I havent found one yet..

To make this all more fun as i stated elsewhere the motherboard is defective which may be the cause why moo runs like a turtle. what to do! what to do?

Now for the good news I have aquired two dual core computers and with the generous donation from :-bdAl McAdams\m/ they now have enough memory to keep the dual gpu setup running much much smoother. Thank you so much and I am proud to be a member of this Team.

so my little farm grows \:D/ and so does my electricity bill :((

I7 2600k
2x laptops 1.6ghz dual cores

The rest of farm well lets just call them 14 heaters [-( so i only got a few more weeks at most before the air conditioner starts kicking in and the wife puts her foot down when she sees the electricity bill hit close to $400/month. Im hoping with these new purchases that they will run slightly cooler and allow me to keep rolling during the summer but at a slightly lower rac i do plan on saving the power usage for our challenges and continue being an active member for years to come.

Your winter cruncher, guess i need to change that to full fledge addicted cruncher. =))

02-18-12, 11:11 AM
Hey coronicus,

I'm having a hard time visualizing your problem. So like which case do you have?

02-19-12, 05:09 AM
Thermaltake Element V NVIDIA editon

02-19-12, 11:07 AM
Thermaltake Element V NVIDIA editon

Thanks. Now I think I see your problem. Have you tried to mount the H100 radiator on the inside top location and mount the fans on the outside? It won't be pretty but it should work. Note that you may need to get slightly longer screws to get through the fan and case to the radiator.

02-20-12, 11:35 AM
Sad day for me boxed up the MB and off it goes...

At this point when i get the board back i think im gonna have to put the H100 aside for the time being till either i sell the h100 for a replacement h80, heck maybe it will work fine on the air cooler and ill just let it be. Im hoping when ivy releases i can find a new board that has the memory in a dif spot, anyhow wishful thinking.

02-21-12, 12:10 AM
Thats nothing that mounting the MB to a piece of plywood and skipping using a case at all won't fix...;) Then there's never a problem with space and you can use a 20" box fan to cool it all!

02-21-12, 01:28 PM
Thats nothing that mounting the MB to a piece of plywood and skipping using a case at all won't fix...;) Then there's never a problem with space and you can use a 20" box fan to cool it all!

You and F$ think alike. ;)

02-21-12, 03:02 PM
Thats nothing that mounting the MB to a piece of plywood and skipping using a case at all won't fix...;) Then there's never a problem with space and you can use a 20" box fan to cool it all!

No plywood here, but certainly bits skipping out of my box;


02-21-12, 05:19 PM
I know I know.. I though for once im gonna get a casing that is large and in charge but only to find out i didnt get right sizes in the right places.. Story of my life, I tell you what =))

03-06-12, 10:44 PM
Finally got the motherboard in and been working on putting things together for several days. Thanks to Fire$storm ideas it made me rethink how to go about getting it to fit. Although it took me hours on hours of trying dif combination i finally found one that would work. Here are the pics hope you enjoy and as promised a better camera.


Sam had to see what was going on and decided he would help make things more interesting. chewing on the boxes and schreading packaging.


One of the things that sold me on this casing was the cooling duck for the video cards with a massive fan, this thing is insane and is way to loud but atleast when im out of the room i know my video cards will be cool even if the fans fail on the video cards.


So now that i feel more confident with the ability to cool a 3 way crossfire my plans are for a new motherboard when the Z77 chipset releases and either sell the 2 6950 for 3x7950 or maybe just buy a used 6950, I really hope intel releases a 6 core ivy for this chipset but you know im probably day dreaming.


The casing has neat leds as well with dif settings but that just for show will have to send you more pics once i close up the casing have one more mod to do. As i mentioned earlier the gpu fan is increadily loud i mean sever fan level loud so i need to come up with a fan control. Since this thing is over 30W the control on the casing cant handle it and nor am i going to even try with the motherboard fan control. BTW, Anyone have a link on how to make one, im thinking worse case make just an on/off switch but would be nice if i could adjust the voltage something like 8-12V. i know this fan wont even spin at 5V.

Final system specs:

Thermaltake Element V
Seasonic 850W Gold
ASROCK Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
I7 2600K
Corsair H100 Water cooling
16GB Corsair Vengance 1600
1T Samsung HD103SJ
120G OCZ Agility 3 SSD
2x Diamond HD6950 (shader unlocked 6970)
Windows 7 64bit Ultimate

03-07-12, 12:51 AM
OH YEAH BABY!!!!! Nice pics too :-bd I'm glad I had some useful advice for you. Thems be a lot of fans.... :D Good stuff in my book. Great job on the config. And you have a PUPPY!!! So what is it's name?

03-07-12, 08:24 AM
Sweet!!! I love when a plan comes together.