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12-04-11, 06:48 PM
UGH.... :mad:

been trying to figure this out all day with no luck...
GPU load 80-85% 2x 6950 non crossfire and physically connected to two monitors.

I ran the bench for moo and of course core 3 on the I7 2600k is showing the best to use... So i went to the project website and made a new profile home and set the -1 cpu deal to 3, but is this corect since it has hyperthreading should i have used 6 or 7? Its set to 3 ATM. I updated the project and it set the machine to home but no dif still saw dips in the gpu usage 80-85% every sec while running 5 cpu WU aswell. So i dropped to 4 CPU WU and saw some improvements GPU load was 85-94% but still dipping. So from reading other threads i installed lasso64 of course this is a little over my head... So what i did was told everything running to use 0-5 and set D***stream.exe and D****ati14.exe to use CPU 6 and 7 this was a huge leap forward hitting 94% without a single drop just steady as she goes so i thought i was done and good to go only to find out once it finishes a GPU WU it changes to using 0-5 Affinity on the new GPU WU... Ugh what did i do wrong???

12-04-11, 07:21 PM
Ugh what did i do wrong???

You started to Think ... :D

Seriously I just run with Auto Select at the Project & not try to squeeze every last ounce out of the Computer.

12-04-11, 07:42 PM
Distributed.net Client core
Allows setting the core used by client. Set this to a number of a specific core that performs better for your hosts. Setting to -1 means auto-select.

I think you misunderstand whats going on. The above has nothing to do with CPU cores. The "cores" are various program elements that vary in how they process a wu. So selecting a different core effects how fast a wu is crunched for a given system. Also in BOINC Manager (BM) you need to reserve a CPU core for Moo. In BM goto Advanced > Preferences. In Preferences select Processor Usage tab and reduce the setting for "On multiprocessor systems, use at most ____ % of the processors". For a quad core CPU set this to 75%. So for AMD that will leave 3 cores/ 3 threads free for CPU work. An Intel w/HT it will leave 3 cores/ 6 threads available for CPU work.

On my i7 920 my GPU load stays in the range of 95~98% utilization.

12-05-11, 09:48 AM
Ah ok i did miss-understand what core ment at moo... OK so i set that back to default that explain why i didnt see a dif... As for the perfomance if i set boinc to use 50% cpu then the video cards are full throttle except for some dips here and there but nothing major but using 75% CPU the video card does this up and down deal on usage every sec and loosing maybe 1min per WU which finish in about 15-17min..

Using lasso really does maximize things for that one WU and its awesome to see that machine working @ full throttle.. Still got some reading to do to understand it better and hopefully figure it out squeasing another core into production...

Seriously I just run with Auto Select at the Project & not try to squeeze every last ounce out of the Computer.
OMG Steve.... MR... overclocker =))

You started to Think ...

You got me there that can be dangerous... ;)