View Full Version : Black Hole

12-06-11, 07:34 AM
Now this is a black hole. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/05/black-hole-scientists-discover-huge_n_1129727.html)

12-06-11, 07:44 AM
Glad I'll be gone before one sucks up the Earth, it isn't going to be pretty at all, seen the Documentary on it ... [..]

12-06-11, 04:53 PM
Man, that kind of stuff really makes you sit and think about getting your priorities straight. Another thing that comes to mind...consider all the years humans went without knowing about black holes and such...makes me wonder what else is out there that we don't even know we should be looking out for! :P

12-06-11, 09:21 PM
..makes me wonder what else is out there that we don't even know we should be looking out for! :P

Like ex wives/girlfriends? 8-}

12-06-11, 10:27 PM
What's with all the racism? It like the recent news about all the black Friday shoppers. Ya know, a lot of Asians and Latinos shop then too....

John P. Myers
12-07-11, 03:55 AM
Just for a little clarification...being a closet astrophysicist...when the article says "Scientists have found the biggest black holes known to exist – each one 10 billion times the size of our sun.", the writer misspoke. The word 'size' should be replaced with 'mass'. Also, in the image at the bottom of the article, there is an illustration of what it would look like, with an inset of our solar system in the dark area to attempt to provide some scale as to the size of this thing. The size of the black area is accurate, however, the black area is not the black hole itself, but what is called the event horizon of the black hole, which is the point at which light has come too close to the black hole to escape the strength of it's gravitational pull.