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12-28-11, 11:11 AM
Windows 8 Preview 64 bit and 32 bit

Those of you who wanna check it out...

If you dont have a download manager i would recomend using one very slow download and interupts are common..

Microsoft download manager

12-28-11, 01:18 PM
What do you think the chances are it would work on an XP PC?
It has 1 gig ramp and a 64 bit AMD processor.

It seems to meet minimum requirements for 32bit install but just bearly.

12-28-11, 02:04 PM
Pretty much the same as vista or windows 7. They will run but due to low system memory everything will cached to hardrive causing sever hardrive usage. I would recomend atleast 1.5-2G of ram so things will stay in memory which will cause the system to run smoother. From my understanding its also designed to run on tablet pc's so processor side it should run fine on older CPU like the althon 64 or even the P4 with hyperthread. Just downloaded it so havent had a chance to really test it out yet curently installing in virtual enviroment..

12-28-11, 02:19 PM
OMG this is so sad.. VP is not suported :mad:... uhm really :confused:.. what were they thinking ... Way to go microsoft lets make something that wont work with your own product =)) So now i have to either use a third party software like vbox or vmware and from what i have seen have issues so i guess ill have to run to the store to get some blank dvd to test it on a real machine ugh.

12-28-11, 07:37 PM
OMG this is so sad.. VP is not suported :mad:... uhm really :confused:.. what were they thinking ... Way to go microsoft lets make something that wont work with your own product =)) So now i have to either use a third party software like vbox or vmware and from what i have seen have issues so i guess ill have to run to the store to get some blank dvd to test it on a real machine ugh.

Remember that Win8 is a radical departure from their previous offerings. So much so that M$ has told everyone that works with or develops products for Windows, that they will have to forget everything that they knew about Windows development, and dump all the tools that they have continually paid to keep certified. This is because none of it will work with Windows 8. See this ---> (Link (http://www.setiusa.us/showthread.php?1666-M-on-Windows-8-Developers-Bend-Over-and-Take-It.........&highlight=bend))

12-28-11, 10:05 PM
Near as I can tell, Win8 is just Win7 with Metro on top + USB3. What am I missing?

12-29-11, 12:36 AM
im with zombie on this one i though this would only affect apps running on metro while you can still run the normal system in explorer or whatever its called now.. Although im confused as to why they wouldnt make it run within there own virtual machine for testing. Im still a bit unclear but im asuming metro is the front end or the bread and butter of windows 8 but that you could run the normal windows box we are used to im just not sure if there is performance issues doing this or if its similar to what mac or unix does with it windows environment mode. Hopefully i will get a chance to play around i have seen a few articles but no true performance tests.

12-29-11, 01:56 AM
Near as I can tell, Win8 is just Win7 with Metro on top + USB3. What am I missing?

im with zombie on this one i though this would only affect apps running on metro while you can still run the normal system in explorer or whatever its called now.. Although im confused as to why they wouldnt make it run within there own virtual machine for testing. Im still a bit unclear but im asuming metro is the front end or the bread and butter of windows 8 but that you could run the normal windows box we are used to im just not sure if there is performance issues doing this or if its similar to what mac or unix does with it windows environment mode. Hopefully i will get a chance to play around i have seen a few articles but no true performance tests.

To quote the Ars Technica article (http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2011/06/html5-centric-windows-8-leaves-microsoft-developers-horrified.ars?utm_source=Ars+Technica+Newsletter&utm_campaign=61d1dac1fb-June_17_2011_Newsletter&utm_medium=email)

......the demonstration has the legions of Windows developers deeply concerned, and with good reason: they were told that all their experience, all their knowledge, and every program they have written in the past would be useless on Windows 8.


...Windows 8 would use HTML5 and JavaScript for its new immersive applications was, therefore, more than a little disturbing to Windows developers. Such a switch means discarding two decades of knowledge and expertise of Windows development—and countless hours spent learning Microsoft's latest-and-greatest technology—and perhaps just as importantly, it means discarding rich, capable frameworks and the powerful, enormously popular Visual Studio development environment, in favor of a far more primitive, rudimentary system with substantially inferior tools.

Duke of Buckingham
12-29-11, 05:34 AM

12-29-11, 09:05 AM
Thanks Duke.. :-$ It all makes sence now... =))

12-29-11, 09:21 AM
Wow im still trying to understand this Firestorm.. been out of the computer loop for over 5 years and after my surgery I take way to many meds to remember half the stuff i read but from my understanding is it saying that windows 8 completely runs in html5 meaning its nothing more then one big arse IE9 os. I really hope that is not true or it will be even worse then ME. Wish i could get a dvd burned to test it out got three dif kind of media DVD +- all failed to burn on both my new LG dvd burner and my old plextor.. ugh... this is so frustrating.

12-29-11, 12:20 PM
Wow im still trying to understand this Firestorm.. been out of the computer loop for over 5 years and after my surgery I take way to many meds to remember half the stuff i read but from my understanding is it saying that windows 8 completely runs in html5 meaning its nothing more then one big arse IE9 os. I really hope that is not true or it will be even worse then ME. Wish i could get a dvd burned to test it out got three dif kind of media DVD +- all failed to burn on both my new LG dvd burner and my old plextor.. ugh... this is so frustrating.

Nope you are correct. Redmond no longer cares about what came before. They are only interested in maximum profit. Security doesn't matter because it was still a concern they would stay the hell away from java in any form. But their focus is now on an "Immersive User Experience". I have said this before, when M$ stops supporting Win7 I will be a pure Linux user.

Have you tried installing from a USB thumb drive?

12-29-11, 06:39 PM
I have said this before, when M$ stops supporting Win7 I will be a pure Linux user...

Come to the dark side Luke...>:)

On a completely unrelated note, avoid Gnome 3 like the plague. X_X If your distro/version forces you to use it, look for a different version/distro. It's been unmasked in Gentoo. If it becomes stable, I'll re-mask it. FYI, the latest Ubuntu will have Gnome 3. Find the last LTS version and stick with it.

12-29-11, 07:25 PM
OMG stop it... %-( I was just in the process of downloading ubuntu to start learning about it and now your saying its no good... Im getting really depressed over here, someone save the day please [-O<

Im seriouly considering buying extra windows 7 keys in worry of them running out and with microsoft doing what they always do push you to there latest and greatest (junk?)

12-29-11, 08:46 PM
OMG stop it... %-( I was just in the process of downloading ubuntu to start learning about it and now your saying its no good... Im getting really depressed over here, someone save the day please [-O<

Download the latest (http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=64&release=latest) and download the last LTS version (http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=64&release=lts). They're LiveCD's so you can try each before you install. Maybe you like Gnome 3. :-?? I suspect I won't. But, as I said, you can try Ubuntu without installing it. It's not like you're paying for it or something. Boot it off the CD and you're running it.

EDIT: After further review, it might actually be pretty cool (http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new).

Sorry for the off-topic.

(PS. The download links above are for 64-bit)

12-29-11, 11:25 PM
Come to the dark side Luke...>:)

On a completely unrelated note, avoid Gnome 3 like the plague. X_X If your distro/version forces you to use it, look for a different version/distro. It's been unmasked in Gentoo. If it becomes stable, I'll re-mask it. FYI, the latest Ubuntu will have Gnome 3. Find the last LTS version and stick with it.

I have been running 10.04 LTS (aka Lucid Lynx) since it came out. Its running my lappy. I have tried 11.04 (aka Natty Narwhal) but I hate the Unity GUI. It is totally lame. I will have to look into GNOME 3, it will be part of the next LTS, as I do not know what has changed.

12-30-11, 01:29 AM
I have been running 10.04 LTS (aka Lucid Lynx) since it came out. Its running my lappy. I have tried 11.04 (aka Natty Narwhal) but I hate the Unity GUI. It is totally lame. I will have to look into GNOME 3, it will be part of the next LTS, as I do not know what has changed.

For some reason I thought Unity and Gnome 3 were the same thing or that Unity ran on top of Gnome 3. I must have read a comparison and thought that Unity was Ubuntu's version of Gnome 3. Oops.

12-30-11, 02:19 AM
For some reason I thought Unity and Gnome 3 were the same thing or that Unity ran on top of Gnome 3. I must have read a comparison and thought that Unity was Ubuntu's version of Gnome 3. Oops.

I was about to state that you might be right, then I checked Wikipedia for both GNOME 3 (Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversy_over_GNOME_3)) and Unity (Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Unity)). Apparently they are different animals, although visually G3 is similar to Unity in that they are both very different from what has come before. So I guess I do not like G3 either.....

01-03-12, 11:21 AM
Makes total sense. The company that makes the browser that is the least HTML 5 compliant and has had numerous issues with Javascript compatibility and performance issues will base their entire next operating system on their inferior web browser. Did the execs from my last company all transfer to Microsoft since I left?

They think we are going back to all PCs being dumb terminals but instead of doing VT220 emulation, they will run IE and emulate a real web browser. I guess every home owner will then need to purchase a powerful server to do all the actual processing. Oh, that's right. We have the cloud they spent so much money on. And, that means they can license their software to us year by year rather than us being able to purchase it once and use it for 5-10 years since we all need to ridiculous bells and whistles added to Office each year. And, Intel can go back to selling millions of 80386 chips since you won't need an i7 to do web browsing. I guess they will focus on selling a few thousand Xeons instead. Yep. That's gonna happen. You might want to consider selling your Microsoft stock now. Whether it happens or not, it sounds a lot like Windows ME all over again.

01-03-12, 02:24 PM
Makes total sense. The company that makes the browser that is the least HTML 5 compliant and has had numerous issues with Javascript compatibility and performance issues will base their entire next operating system on their inferior web browser. Did the execs from my last company all transfer to Microsoft since I left?

They think we are going back to all PCs being dumb terminals but instead of doing VT220 emulation, they will run IE and emulate a real web browser. I guess every home owner will then need to purchase a powerful server to do all the actual processing. Oh, that's right. We have the cloud they spent so much money on. And, that means they can license their software to us year by year rather than us being able to purchase it once and use it for 5-10 years since we all need to ridiculous bells and whistles added to Office each year. And, Intel can go back to selling millions of 80386 chips since you won't need an i7 to do web browsing. I guess they will focus on selling a few thousand Xeons instead. Yep. That's gonna happen. You might want to consider selling your Microsoft stock now. Whether it happens or not, it sounds a lot like Windows ME all over again.

Well, at least ME was "based" on a real OS. Now if Ubuntu would stop acting like a confused Mac/Windows wannabe and work on strengthening their gaming support for the current/Next Gen GPUs many, many thousands of Windows users would migrate to Linux. Keeping my fingers crossed........

01-03-12, 08:02 PM
...And, Intel can go back to selling millions of 80386 chips since you won't need an i7 to do web browsing...

I found a 486 processor yesterday cleaning out the garage. I'll sell it to the highest bidder. $-)

01-03-12, 08:25 PM
SX or DX?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-03-12, 09:49 PM
SX or DX?

Sorry to get your hopes up, it's actually a Pentium 200 MHz FV80503200 (http://www.cpupages.com/store/index.php?id_item=613).

01-06-12, 06:09 PM
Sorry to get your hopes up, it's actually a Pentium 200 MHz FV80503200 (http://www.cpupages.com/store/index.php?id_item=613).

Trig - that was the first CPU I ever used to crunch with! Pentium 200MMX - Or I might have had a 220MMX, can't remember now. Built my rig when I headed up to undergrad college at UAF that year, and when I was there I got on the SETI USA team crunching SETI@home.
As an aside, my Dad had invested in a Pentium Pro 200MHz that same year, and we were always trying to benchmark each other's rig faster - have to admit, I think the Pentium Pro was a better design, but the Windows OS and other software wasn't coded to utilize it efficiently yet. I was a bit bummed out when Intel discontinued the PPro, actually. :o

05-24-12, 02:21 PM
I've been playing with win8 consumer preview for a couple of weeks and I am uninstalling it. I hate it :mad::mad: and have downloaded Ubuntu. I will see if my feeble mind can understand how to use it. :confused::confused: No more win 8 for me. I will keep Win 7 and dual boot Ubuntu until I can figure it out. :eek::eek::eek:

05-24-12, 09:08 PM
They finally did it, damn them. I am going to have to figure out Linux after all. I pity those of you who will have to hold my hand and dry my tears becaus I don't know if my brain can do such a thing.

Thank you all for raining on my parade!

I am going to go weep quietly in some dark corner now...

05-24-12, 10:09 PM
Since I am a gluten for excessive punishment, I will now try Win8 in a vm...... This is sure to be an experience like no other.

05-24-12, 10:48 PM
The thing that really torques me is I am stuck with Windows on my business rigs for two reasons. 1. is an EHR/billing healthcare office software, and 2. is an infrared scanning device we use, which is also interfaced with Windows software. Grrrrr...at least Win7 x64 works so well, it may just be on these computers for a loooooooooong time to come. :p

05-25-12, 12:23 AM
The thing that really torques me is I am stuck with Windows on my business rigs for two reasons. 1. is an EHR/billing healthcare office software, and 2. is an infrared scanning device we use, which is also interfaced with Windows software. Grrrrr...at least Win7 x64 works so well, it may just be on these computers for a loooooooooong time to come. :p

Have you tried running them via WINE on linux?

05-25-12, 02:37 AM
The thing that really torques me is I am stuck with Windows on my business rigs for two reasons. 1. is an EHR/billing healthcare office software, and 2. is an infrared scanning device we use, which is also interfaced with Windows software. Grrrrr...at least Win7 x64 works so well, it may just be on these computers for a loooooooooong time to come. :p

Have you tried running them via WINE on linux?

Ding Ding Ding!!!! We have a winner

05-25-12, 10:18 AM
Ordered a Ubuntu Linux for Dummies book from Amazon. Let's see if it can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm just getting sick of M$ telling us what is good for us.

05-25-12, 11:34 AM
Have you tried running them via WINE on linux?

I haven't. There are a couple things that worry me about that. The software "talks" to the insurance clearinghouses like Emdeon through the Internet and some kind of proprietary software, I had to purchase as an "add on" module to get the electronic billing part to work. The other thing, with the scanner, is that it would have to have a Linux driver for it, right? Or can WINE use the Windows driver to see it? I'm confused on that...@-):confused:

05-25-12, 07:12 PM
Ordered a Ubuntu Linux for Dummies book from Amazon. Let's see if it can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm just getting sick of M$ telling us what is good for us.

Well, sadly enough, that's becoming more the way things go. Ubuntu "Jumped the Shark," as far as many people care, when the current 12.04 release went to exclusively the new Unity GUI. Definitely taking a little bit of learning. :)

05-25-12, 07:46 PM
Well, sadly enough, that's becoming more the way things go. Ubuntu "Jumped the Shark," as far as many people care, when the current 12.04 release went to exclusively the new Unity GUI. Definitely taking a little bit of learning. :)

They should have known better, but I guess they decided they needed to be "trendy". They jumped the shark with me a long time ago. I got tired enough of them that I switched my Dell from the pre-installed Ubuntu to Gentoo. I was kind of forced into Gentoo on an old IBM RS/6000 and then just learned to love it. At the time, Gentoo was the only distro my RS/6000 would boot.

Anyone heard of Mepis (http://www.mepis.org/)? I'm told it's the Ubuntu, Ubuntu should have been.

05-25-12, 07:55 PM
You could have put AIX on that RS/6000 :)

I did the AIX sysadmin many years ago and have used it a lot. I truly loathe it though. Linux or Solaris any day.. Pity IBM killed off Dynix too :(

I've read good things about Mepis.

05-25-12, 08:17 PM
You could have put AIX on that RS/6000 :).

Do you really hate me that much? Sadly, I still have to use it at work. Fortunately, it's through a Windows based window manager.

05-25-12, 08:21 PM
Sorry dude, they should have killed it off years ago...

05-25-12, 08:33 PM
Sorry dude, they should have killed it off years ago...

That assumes that AIX should have ever been born.

I don't know what everyone is fretting about. I've been using Windows XP at work for the past 12 years. It still works. I've had XP longer than I've had my truck. Pretty sad for a Windows hater. X_X

09-28-12, 08:23 AM
It's being reported Win 8 will be or is available for an Win 7 Upgraded for 0nly $39 as a Digital Download until Jan 31'sr but I can't find it anywhere, the Microsoft Site doesn't even show it ???

09-28-12, 09:45 AM
It's being reported Win 8 will be or is available for an Win 7 Upgraded for 0nly $39 as a Digital Download until Jan 31'sr but I can't find it anywhere, the Microsoft Site doesn't even show it ???

I've read that. But since the official release date for Win8 is Oct. 26 means you will probably have to wait till then to buy it.

09-28-12, 10:14 AM
I have seen threads that said the upgrade version would be available for $36.95 up to $39.00. It will be availble from Microsoft as a download and you will be able to upgrade win 7 any version to Win 8 Pro with no data loss. (sso they say). So far I have taken the consumer preversion and upgraded 2 computers from Win7 Home premium and upgraded to Win 8 without any problems.

You have to remember that Win does not have all the apps embedded. You will have to go to the "store" and purchase any apps that you want. Here is a link to the preview. There is also a download now button if you want to get a head start on it for free now. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/release-preview?ocid=O_WOL_W8R_OandO_DL_EN-US

09-28-12, 10:52 AM
Okay, looks like I'll have to wait then ... Thanks