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View Full Version : eOn: randomly spitting out massive credits

12-29-11, 11:57 AM
No idea if the admin will "fix" this retroactively. But I am jumping on it while it lasts anyway. I have been crunching it part time for about half a day now, and I already racked up 8 of these, at 60k-80k each. ;)


12-29-11, 02:26 PM
On it!

12-29-11, 02:35 PM
Noticed you also had 19 that errored? Hope I didn't jump the gun.

12-29-11, 03:59 PM
Noticed you also had 19 that errored? Hope I didn't jump the gun.

Yeah sure why. If there are some bad WUs mixed in with awesome credit WUs, I'm okay with it. Making 700k in a day is just fine by me, errors or not. The real risk is, will the admin take the credits back?

Duke of Buckingham
12-29-11, 04:23 PM
If I got one of that tasks with 91.000 credit I will buy one lotery immediatly. :D

Lucky Duke

I will try crunching hard instead.

My Ubuntu is now with a mounstrous screen with giant letters and I dont know how to fix that. Bad Luck as usual. I will have to reinstall it.

Bad Luck Duke

12-29-11, 04:30 PM
12 tasks done and validated, no good credits yet. No errors yet.

12-29-11, 05:15 PM
I have 5 but no big payoff yet.

12-29-11, 09:11 PM
Completed 3 tasks so far and the credit is 33.71, 30.55, & 35.12. So no joy as of yet. :(

12-29-11, 09:29 PM
49 done and still nothing.. Boooooo

12-29-11, 10:23 PM
Nada for me so far.

12-30-11, 04:54 AM
The Eon Project Blows Big Time, I ran about 60-70 Wu's and never got much over 10-11 Credits Per Hour even on my E980X Box's. For those that got some big Credits great (if they don't take it away) but I'm not wasting my time on a Project that's about the worst paying project in BOINC, the Eon Project makes the WCG Project Credits look like a Credit Bonanza ...

12-30-11, 07:24 AM
The Eon Project Blows Big Time, I ran about 60-70 Wu's and never got much over 10-11 Credits Per Hour even on my E980X Box's. For those that got some big Credits great (if they don't take it away) but I'm not wasting my time on a Project that's about the worst paying project in BOINC, the Eon Project makes the WCG Project Credits look like a Credit Bonanza ...

I guess I'm not so lucky either. I'm at 90+ wu's and no big credits. :( Moving back to DiRT. BTW, seems that there is no checkpoint with these wu's.

12-30-11, 07:34 AM
BTW, seems that there is no checkpoint with these wu's.

Yeah, I found out the hard way.

12-30-11, 08:45 AM
It's been almost 24 hours since my last one. I am giving it another day, and then I'm outta here. Already got my 1M MM. :D

12-30-11, 08:49 AM
It's been almost 24 hours since my last one. I am giving it another day, and then I'm outta here. Already got my 1M MM. :D

Awesome! and I'm jealous :P

How did you even hear about this? Just happen to be crunching the project?

12-30-11, 09:41 AM
Awesome! and I'm jealous :P

How did you even hear about this? Just happen to be crunching the project?

Check the link in my original post. Someone posted about it on their forum.

12-30-11, 09:42 AM
Congrats on a Mil. Z... :)

12-30-11, 02:38 PM
Not getting any joy here either. Project keeps running out of work also.:(

12-30-11, 05:52 PM
Ran 115 wu's with no luck. I'm back to DiRT. If they have wu's. :mad:

12-30-11, 05:57 PM
Sorry it didn't work out. But just so we are all on the same page, I *did* warn everyone up fron that it was random, and that the admin might take them away in the end.

12-30-11, 11:45 PM
Check the link in my original post. Someone posted about it on their forum.

Oh yeah, I did read that. I just thought how serendipitous it was that you would just happen to be reading that forum at that time. Thought maybe you had some method to keep up to date with all of the projects.

Btw, thanks for the heads up! Even though I didn't get any of the high credits it was fun trying.

12-30-11, 11:55 PM
Ah. I have a sub-menu of bookmarks to all of the projects' forums. Once a week or so, I plow through them all.

12-31-11, 12:02 AM
Ah. I have a sub-menu of bookmarks to all of the projects' forums. Once a week or so, I plow through them all.

Now that's the dedication of a true cruncher. :)

12-31-11, 01:18 AM
Couldenīt you just bookmark the RSS feed on the forums, and then just "monitor" the headlines? They will change directly in your bookmarks...

12-31-11, 01:41 AM
I do have all their RSS feeds for news. But to do that for all the forums? WAY too much noise. You would miss the signal.

12-31-11, 12:28 PM
Sorry it didn't work out. But just so we are all on the same page, I *did* warn everyone up fron that it was random, and that the admin might take them away in the end.

Understood. It was worth it to take the shot and try to get a big payout. Too bad they ran out of work. Thanks for the heads up though.

12-31-11, 12:33 PM
Understood. It was worth it to take the shot and try to get a big payout. Too bad they ran out of work. Thanks for the heads up though.

I agree well worth the shot. One wu would have counted for thousands of these low paying ones. I'll try again if it creeps back up. Thanks Z..