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View Full Version : Hello America

01-10-12, 07:16 AM
I've swum the pond to say "hello". Whatzup?

01-10-12, 07:53 AM
I've swum the pond to say "hello". Whatzup?

Hellooooooooooo and welcome. Pull up a chair and stay awhile. ;)

01-10-12, 09:22 AM
Hi there and welcome!

01-10-12, 09:26 AM
Hellooooooooooo and welcome. Pull up a chair and stay awhile. ;)

Thanking you very much. I gave up crunching as a New Year's resolution. Not just because my electric meter spun like crazy all the time, but it takes up ... all the time. Not quite. But like any addiction I'm back, and lucky you I'm rehabing with SETI.USA. You've guessed it, I got a new phone, much better than the apple stroodle I had for the last two years. Whatever the mobile, I have internet wherever I go and I just can't resist taking a peek from now and then to see how SETI.USA are doing... Nice to see my old friends and acquittances here still crunching away

01-10-12, 09:43 AM
WELCOME to the team!!

01-10-12, 10:39 AM
Thanking you very much. I gave up crunching as a New Year's resolution. Not just because my electric meter spun like crazy all the time, but it takes up ... all the time. Not quite. But like any addiction I'm back, and lucky you I'm rehabing with SETI.USA. You've guessed it, I got a new phone, much better than the apple stroodle I had for the last two years. Whatever the mobile, I have internet wherever I go and I just can't resist taking a peek from now and then to see how SETI.USA are doing... Nice to see my old friends and acquittances here still crunching away

Well, with or without cores your welcome to stop by and contribute to the team and the forums.

01-10-12, 10:57 AM
Hi there and welcome!

WELCOME to the team!!

Well, with or without cores your welcome to stop by and contribute to the team and the forums.

Thanks guys. Don't worry, I aim to help out with a core or two from time to time. As they say, every little helps ;)

01-10-12, 02:10 PM
Hiya... Nice to meet ya and welcome back to the bug called crunching... Load up some simap and take a ride on the #1 train of 2012.

01-10-12, 02:36 PM
Ah, welcome cousin. Glad to see you made it safely across the pond. You are always welcome here. Hope you enjoy what we have to offer, including the Earl Grey (my personal favorite). Would you care for a cup?

01-10-12, 03:59 PM
Welcome to our boards! We love to talk, so stop in often.

01-10-12, 04:26 PM
Hi, glad you made it over here! ;) We'll gladly help you crunch again - er... I mean we'll gladly help you REHAB! That's it! :D hehehe... Anyway, we're in the middle of a SIMAP Challenge right now if you feel like helping on that, it would be grand - just have to add your team as SETI.USA on your SIMAP account and yank down a few WUs. But if you're not up the that, no worries - we're a pretty easy going bunch here, and we'll just enjoy having you as one of the regulars. :o

Were you wanting to "officially" join the team? If so, I will change your ID on here to a "Member" ID, and you will get access to all the Member's Only stuff. I ask that, because when I went to look at Free-DC, it appears some of your projects are set to SETI.USA, some are set to the European team, and some are set to no team at all - so I'm just asking in case that was your intent, I will get on it! ;)

01-10-12, 04:48 PM
Ah, welcome cousin. Glad to see you made it safely across the pond. You are always welcome here. Hope you enjoy what we have to offer, including the Earl Grey (my personal favorite). Would you care for a cup?

I'm certainly a tea drinker. Only drink tea at home but always coffee in coffee shops (figures) and restaurants. I used to drink Earl Grey, a great favorite of mine, but now prefer the ordinary tea bags. Unless of course there's a Bud on offer...

01-10-12, 05:18 PM
Hi, glad you made it over here! ;) We'll gladly help you crunch again - er... I mean we'll gladly help you REHAB! That's it! :D hehehe... Anyway, we're in the middle of a SIMAP Challenge right now if you feel like helping on that, it would be grand - just have to add your team as SETI.USA on your SIMAP account and yank down a few WUs. But if you're not up the that, no worries - we're a pretty easy going bunch here, and we'll just enjoy having you as one of the regulars. :o

Were you wanting to "officially" join the team? If so, I will change your ID on here to a "Member" ID, and you will get access to all the Member's Only stuff. I ask that, because when I went to look at Free-DC, it appears some of your projects are set to SETI.USA, some are set to the European team, and some are set to no team at all - so I'm just asking in case that was your intent, I will get on it! ;)

I've joined up with you on the SIMAP challenge, glad to pitch in. The only team I am crunching for in any projects right now is SETI.USA and yes, why not, I'd like to join the team officially. I aim to stick around at least until you're back at #1. And then as long as I'm sure you're going to stay there.

01-10-12, 05:33 PM
I've joined up with you on the SIMAP challenge, glad to pitch in. . .I aim to stick around at least until you're back at #1..
Very nice. We aim to get there. Well, then welcome aboard "officially" and you will see the eagle mascot by your name now. The Team Member Only forums are open for you to participate in, and we all hope you will enjoy your stay! If you ever need anything, be sure to ask.:cool:

01-10-12, 06:21 PM
Very nice. We aim to get there. Well, then welcome aboard "officially" and you will see the eagle mascot by your name now. The Team Member Only forums are open for you to participate in, and we all hope you will enjoy your stay! If you ever need anything, be sure to ask.:cool:

Thanks for that DrPop, much appreciated.

01-10-12, 06:44 PM
Alright!!! Glad to hear your staying around a bit. Lots to read for you in here so if you got questions just holler..

01-10-12, 07:44 PM
I've joined up with you on the SIMAP challenge, glad to pitch in. The only team I am crunching for in any projects right now is SETI.USA and yes, why not, I'd like to join the team officially. I aim to stick around at least until you're back at #1. And then as long as I'm sure you're going to stay there.

Well then my good fellow, you are well received.

01-10-12, 10:37 PM
Welcome to the Team...

Hopefully you returned to crunching just in time to ride up to number 1. Find a cool project and start crunchin'...of course Simap is the coolest for the next couple days....:cool:

01-10-12, 10:50 PM
Hi! My name is Mumps and I'm a crunch-aholic. It's been 9 seconds since my last WU.... Dang! I need to start that over again...

Welcome aboard GN! Enjoy the stay! Just don't let it get out of hand again! :rolleyes:

01-11-12, 04:29 AM
Hi! My name is Mumps and I'm a crunch-aholic. It's been 9 seconds since my last WU.... Dang! I need to start that over again...

Welcome aboard GN! Enjoy the stay! Just don't let it get out of hand again! :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, it's already got out of hand. Don't ask me how, but this morning I managed to push a nail sticking out of a bit of wood onto an old HD4850. Sparks flew, I cried "S**te" and was late for work this morning after trying mouth-to-mouth for too long. See what happens when you try to get mothballed 'puters going again before you even had your first cup of tea! :eek:

01-11-12, 05:19 AM
I'm sorry, it's already got out of hand. Don't ask me how, but this morning I managed to push a nail sticking out of a bit of wood onto an old HD4850. Sparks flew, I cried "S**te" and was late for work this morning after trying mouth-to-mouth for too long. See what happens when you try to get mothballed 'puters going again before you even had your first cup of tea! :eek:

Bummer on the card.... and the tea. I hate it when that sort of thing happens.

I remember killing my 1st system after doing an upgrade. Had the case open and dropped a screw into the system where it landed on two legs of the 8086 CPU and shorted it out... :((

Duke of Buckingham
01-11-12, 05:39 AM

So you Computer died in the line of duty and was an unfortunate victim of friendly fire.


I always said that Tea and computers shouldnt mix. I stopped drinking tea long ago.


01-11-12, 07:38 AM
Bummer on the card.... and the tea. I hate it when that sort of thing happens.

I remember killing my 1st system after doing an upgrade. Had the case open and dropped a screw into the system where it landed on two legs of the 8086 CPU and shorted it out... :((

I'm hoping I just nailed the GPU and not the whole thing. I have another old un-shorted GPU lying around somewhere which I'll try out later tonight. Maybe get a few more SIMAP crunching once I can see what's happening on the screen.

01-11-12, 07:44 AM
I always said that Tea and computers shouldnt mix. I stopped drinking tea long ago.

Ah, with me it's port. One birthday a while back I sat in bed with a brand new laptop and glass of port to celebrate my birthday present. Managed to spill port onto keyboard and instantly killed it. It was damned good port to.

Best to waste tea to kill a laptop rather than a good tawney port.

01-11-12, 09:29 AM
Don't these things always happen at the worst times. Can't happen on a weekend or on holiday when we have all day to play with it?

Duke of Buckingham
01-11-12, 11:05 AM
Ah, with me it's port. One birthday a while back I sat in bed with a brand new laptop and glass of port to celebrate my birthday present. Managed to spill port onto keyboard and instantly killed it. It was damned good port to.

Best to waste tea to kill a laptop rather than a good tawney port.

:pThe problem with Tawney Port, is that Tawney Port is Portuguese and has everyone knows by now, Is that Portuguese and computers dont mix.:))

More Duke, more crazy ... :ar!

01-11-12, 04:15 PM
yikes! Hope you have better luck with the next lappy.

02-03-12, 05:36 PM
Thank you for all your welcomes. Sorry for the confusion, but since the Galaxy Note is about to be launched in the USA and it's not my intention to give free advertising (they even made me pay for mine :(() I have changed my name to GalaxyIce. If a very kind admin can change my name on these boards I would be very gratefull, otherwise I will have to advertise a very fine product for free :)].

[edit] Thank you very much kind admins =D>