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View Full Version : Hello. My name is Douglas Duncan

01-24-12, 11:19 AM
I have used seti@home since its inception, but have not had a powerful enough computer for a long time to allow for the apps CPU usage.

I am now up and running again. I have noticed that a new app has been created to allow multiple processing for various other projects.

Guess I was down a but longer than I thought, but it seems to be working fine.

I'm always hoping that I will be the lucky one who contributes to actually finding the first 'Genuine' signal from space. Ha. Not likely, but I always say, "You can't win, if You don't participate."

Thank You for allowing me to contribute.

Douglas Duncan
aka: frizzell9

01-24-12, 11:59 AM
Welcome to the team and boards! If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask.

01-24-12, 03:51 PM
Howdy Douglas. Glad to hear your crunching again. If I may ask, what kind of system do you now have?

01-24-12, 04:14 PM
Welcome to the boards and back to processing.
I'm Karyn, and new too (to the boards, not SETI and Boinc) but I've found this site and the challenges they do to be fun so far.

Cruncher Pete
01-24-12, 04:20 PM
Good on you mate, thanks for joining us.

01-24-12, 05:04 PM
Welcome to the team Doug. Lots of info here. Take a look around if you have any questions or problems just give us a shout.

01-24-12, 06:49 PM
Welcome back to the world of crunching! :)

01-24-12, 09:19 PM
Howdy Douglas. Glad to hear your crunching again. If I may ask, what kind of system do you now have?

I'm using an 'off-the-shelf' Acer with AMD E-450 dual processors.
I should be able to do a ton of crunching as I sleep long hours. lol

Thank You for making 'First Contact'!


01-25-12, 10:53 AM
Hey there Douglas.

WELCOME to the team!!

01-31-12, 12:48 PM
Hi Douglas, sorry I'm late - been pretty busy - but, welcome to the boards! Hope you enjoy your stay. I looked for your username on Free-DC to see if you were on our team, but unfortunately, I didn't spot you there. If you ever get the hankering to join our SETI.USA team, please let us know, and we'll get you up to Member status here so you have access to more of the forums. ;)

Thanks for crunching and have a great day!