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View Full Version : New Member With Problem

04-02-12, 10:15 PM
I have had my SETI@HOME & MILKYWAY@HOME projects for two weeks and the only thing that is showing tasks that are running is my BOINC screen saver. My Norton anti-virus kept giving "CPU USAGE IS TO HIGH", notices so I shut it off at times but no projects started crunching. Even the BOINC screensaver stated project suspended due to high CPU usage. I shut my norton off and still no actual projects started. I'm a member of both teams, I think? What is my problemhttp://www.setiusa.us/images/smilies/confused.png?

04-03-12, 05:30 PM
maybe change your max cpu usage? In boinc manager Go to tools>computing preferences and change the use at most % of CPU time to 60 (or something under 100).

04-03-12, 07:28 PM
maybe change your max cpu usage? In boinc manager Go to tools>computing preferences and change the use at most % of CPU time to 60 (or something under 100).

THANK'S! wordwizard

04-04-12, 05:37 PM

*Which version of BOINC do you have installed?

*Are you using simple view or advanced view? - Simple vs. Advanced view (Link (http://unitedboinc.com/en/boinc-info/56-info/202-boinc-manager))

Useful info

BOINC Manager Manual (Link (http://www.boinc-wiki.info/BOINC_Manager))

Attaching The BOINC Client Software To A BOINC Powered Project (Link (http://www.boinc-wiki.info/Attaching_The_BOINC_Client_Software_To_A_BOINC_Pow ered_Project))

Partial list of BOINC Projects (Link (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php))

BOINC Acronyms (Link (http://www.boinc-wiki.info/BOINC_Acronyms))

BOINC FAQ Service (English) (Link (http://boincfaq.mundayweb.com/))