View Full Version : The April Collatz Challenge results

04-04-12, 12:27 AM

PL ______ Total ______ Team
01 ---- 23,775,790 ---- SETI.USA
02 ---- 17,470,050 ---- Russia
03 ---- 12,206,447 ---- L'Alliance Francophone
04 ---- 05,384,227 ---- St.Petersburg
05 ---- 04,500,783 ---- TitanesDC
06 ---- 03,793,869 ---- BOINC@Poland
07 ---- 02,173,429 ---- AMD Users
08 ---- 00,978,797 ---- The Scottish Boinc Team
09 ---- 00,567,375 ---- United States of Earth
10 ---- 00,538,842 ---- Amateur Radio Operators

I would like to thank everyone that participated in this event. Congrats to Cruncher Pete on his #1 team finish and #2 overall.

Also a Big round of applause to Slicker for his first rate admin skills keeping Collatz running without a single hiccup. Well done Sir!

04-04-12, 12:56 AM
I think F$ meant CP not Ste\/e :)

04-04-12, 02:27 AM
I have to admit, I didn't do anything. After the tweaks from last year's pentathalon, the system hasn't required any changes to deal with challenges. Kudos to the team for scoring #1 though!

04-04-12, 02:21 PM
I think F$ meant CP not Ste\/e :)

Oooops.... :mad: Yep, now corrected. Thx.

04-04-12, 03:24 PM
I have to admit, I didn't do anything. After the tweaks from last year's pentathalon, the system hasn't required any changes to deal with challenges. Kudos to the team for scoring #1 though!

Some admins could learn a thing or two from you. I have always meant that Collatz is one the most stable projects ever. And you just proved me rigth!