View Full Version : need gpu advice

04-15-12, 02:28 PM
noone knows video cards like you guys so i was thinking of this model: http://www.ebay.com/itm/EVGA-GeForce-GTX-560-2048MB-GDDR5-PCI-Express-2-0-Graphics-Card-02G-P3-1469-KR-/130601565176?pt=PCC_Video_TV_Cards&hash=item1e6875bbf8

for the price is there a reccommended model better. i also dont want to make the mistake of buying another weird version like i did before. what do you guys think? would be for gaming.

04-15-12, 03:39 PM
Well the 560 is considered a high-end model of the 500 series that was introduced almost a year ago. Most reviews of the EVGA version rate it well.

But don't buy that card on eBay as I found a better price!

Amazon: EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Superclocked 2048 MB GDDR5 - $209.99 w/Free Shipping [Price before $30.00 MIR] (http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Superclocked-Mini-HDMI-Graphics-02G-P3-1469-KR/dp/tech-data/B0050I1PI8)

Edit: BTW, do you still play WoT???

04-15-12, 03:51 PM
You may wish to look at the GTX 560Ti version which is supposed to be faster in that price range.
560 < 560Ti 384 core < 560Ti 448 core

Check out the Hierarchy chart:

If you are set on the Gtx 560 2GB version, there is a cheaper card at newegg.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500229 189.99

04-15-12, 04:13 PM
awesome! this is why i knew you guys were the ones to ask ti version it is! ill be ordering after may 1st along with 2 more gb of corsair xms2 ram. ill crunch a bit with it when i get it! i burned myself out on wot havnt played much in a few months but i worked my way up to a t32 fully loaded and i have the kv-5. when i can afford premium account again ill probably get back into it. thanks!

04-15-12, 04:21 PM

found this. i know its under 2gb of memory but my new game battlefield 3 says any above 1gb is reccommended so i think im good. i want to be good for a few yrs. my current card is a gt250 weirdo engineering version and i overpayed for it bigtime. before i order what do you guys think of the latest choice? thanks for letting me know of the TI version!

04-15-12, 04:46 PM
awesome! this is why i knew you guys were the ones to ask ti version it is! ill be ordering after may 1st along with 2 more gb of corsair xms2 ram. ill crunch a bit with it when i get it! i burned myself out on wot havnt played much in a few months but i worked my way up to a t32 fully loaded and i have the kv-5. when i can afford premium account again ill probably get back into it. thanks!

OK cool, Ti FTW!

On WoT I had the T32 but it was a sinkhole credit wise. Sold it and eventually went back to the T29 (Best American Heavy for the free account). Then I started on the Russian & German tanks.

My current garage

M5 Stuart (Scout w/75mm)
T29 (Heavy w/105mm)

Grille SPG
Hummel SPG
VK3801 (Medium w/88mm)

KV (Heavy w/107mm)
*KV-3 will replace the KV when I acquire about 200,000 more credits...... LoL

04-15-12, 05:37 PM
i have the is also am working on the is-3 and up those is 3's are amazing as far as im concerned even my t-32 wont touch one. they seem unkillable. well at least for me.

04-15-12, 05:41 PM
admin now hey fire. cool congrats on the status! im working now driving a garbage truck. that helps... feeling better and perhaps ill be crunching again. its was hard to be to enthusiastic once the gpu crunching started. made my small farm obsolete and i couldnt keep up back then i could hit top 20 on the team now id be lucky to hit top 500. ill just have to look beyond the credits i think.

04-15-12, 11:43 PM
admin now hey fire. cool congrats on the status! im working now driving a garbage truck. that helps... feeling better and perhaps ill be crunching again. its was hard to be to enthusiastic once the gpu crunching started. made my small farm obsolete and i couldnt keep up back then i could hit top 20 on the team now id be lucky to hit top 500. ill just have to look beyond the credits i think.

Thank you sir. And congrats on finding steady work. I know RL has not been too kind but persevering is two thirds of the battle. I'm sure in the near future will have the funds for upgrades and such.

And how is the family doing? Bet the LiL' ones are a hand full atm..... lol

04-16-12, 12:27 AM
@GregK - Hi man, long time! So glad to hear you have work lined up. That is VERY important, crunching is a distant second there. ;)
If you're looking at the nVidia cards, I would look at Ebay and either go with a GTX 460 for around $100, or if you can swing it, a GTX 560 Ti version, they are routinely on Ebay for around $180 or so these days. Don't worry about not having 2GB of RAM on the GPU - that isn't going to make much of a difference. It's the amount of shader cores that will speed things up, and the 560 Ti version has more. :D

Hope things continue on the right path there!

04-16-12, 08:35 AM
Welcome back Greg! Glad to hear your back to work.
That GPU will do well on crunching and games. You'll be throwing some nice stones around soon enough. :p Hope all is well with the family? All is good here. Just running a stomp with TeaM so jump in if you got a spare core or two. =))

04-16-12, 09:36 AM

found this. i know its under 2gb of memory but my new game battlefield 3 says any above 1gb is reccommended so i think im good. i want to be good for a few yrs. my current card is a gt250 weirdo engineering version and i overpayed for it bigtime. before i order what do you guys think of the latest choice? thanks for letting me know of the TI version!

Greg, I think you'll like the ti 448 core, mine is almost as fast as my 570's and less expensive to boot.

04-16-12, 05:09 PM
thanks guys. thanks al for the advice. im gonna order in 3 weeks plus that hot little ati card mentioned in the other thread.