View Full Version : RIP Slicker (5/10/2000-6/18/2012)

06-20-12, 02:31 PM
Slicker, or City Slicker which was his AKC registered name, was put to rest Monday afternoon. It is amazing how all those little things he did that annoyed you while he was around are now missed. Some of them include:

Drooling on your leg while eating

The clicking of his nails on the hardwood floors which, after 12 years, pretty much destroyed the finish on them

Laying his head on your lap and panting hot air on you when it is 90+ degress outside because he has to not only be in the same room but also touching you if possible

Making me walk up the stairs a half dozen times per night so he can go outside and check if there are any racoons in the yard

Laying right behind my office chair while I work so that it is almost impossible to move back from the desk to stand up

Getting dragged along behind him for walks because, as a hunting dog, he felt the need to be 20 yards ahead of us at all times

Always stepping in water in the kitchen or patio because he had the ability to drip several gallons of water from his jowls as he walked away from the bowl after getting a drink

His staring out the living room window so he can bark at anyone walking down the street. This was of course done with his nose pressed up against the window which got dog snot all over it. We planned to market that stuff as a new type of super glue!

Having to kick him off the couch in order to watch TV because ke took up 2/3 and our cat took up the other 1/3

Picking up the throw pillows off the floor because he would push them off the couch if they were in his way

His ability to get pancake batter all over his forehead and ears while licking the bowl

His ability to leave "land mines" all over the yard placed strategically in a way that required a parkour expert just to mow the lawn

His ability to learn words so quickly that we had to speak pig-latin so he wouldn't know what we were talking about. He then learned that, too.

His ability to fetch the Sunday Chicago Tribune newspaper (about 10 lbs) grabbing it by the corner of the plastic bag and then spilling out the contents across the entire driveway and yard on his way back to the house -- and then want a treat for doing such a good job


06-20-12, 03:38 PM
So sorry for your loss Slick. What a beautiful pooch.

06-20-12, 03:58 PM
Very sad news. My condolences. Thanks for sharing his habits. Every funny stuff, especially the pig-Latin thing... :P


06-20-12, 06:08 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't understand just how much you get attached to your dog until you get one. They really are like children and part of the family.

I rue the day when we lose Chelsea, but you know it's coming sooner than you'd like. It will hurt me, but devastate my wife. X_X Considering how she handled the loss of our Oscar fish...

Duke of Buckingham
06-20-12, 06:22 PM
Their dedication and love is something we can never forget. They are our true friends with one inconditional love. They make us be the best of us. I am really sad for your loss.

06-20-12, 06:53 PM
My condolences. I have had the sorrow of having dogs and cats pass and can empathize with you.

"he had the ability to drip several gallons of water from his jowls" - We have one of those now, it has gotten to the point that wet socks don't register in my brain.

06-20-12, 07:35 PM
All the habits and routines you build up over the years to accomodate all those lovable quirks, you never really notice them until you find yourself standing alone in the kitchen, trying to figure out what you're going to do with your self now. Heartbreaking.

Crazybob's Son
06-21-12, 01:28 PM
Sorry to hear about your pup :( It saddens me every time I hear about someone's pet passing, especially a dog. I have only had my pup for a little over 1.5 years and can already not imagine being without her.

06-21-12, 03:24 PM
Sorry to hear about that Slicker. We had soo many animals growing up, that the passing of one got to be a familiar thing. It still hurts though.:(

06-25-12, 05:28 PM
I am sorry for your loss! I just had to put down a cat who was dying of old age before leaving for vacation a week ago so I can empathize. My condolences.

06-26-12, 12:14 AM
Our family too has had many pets. Have buried many small ones. I'm a cat person but we had a dog rescued from the local shelter. Kids and family loved him and I tolerated him and the crap he left in the yard, the walks in the winter, etc. He could hurdle a 5 foot fence in his younger days. He got old and sick. Guess who held him and be the last person he saw when he was put down. I cried bit and miss him. RIP Apollo.

Duke of Buckingham
07-03-12, 10:36 AM
Tribute to a DOG


They deserve the same from us. That we loved them with not buts or ifs, just how we feel.
