View Full Version : Time for Lee Greenwood to write a new song

06-28-12, 01:39 PM
I'm P.O.ed to be an American
Where I once thought I was free.

The constitution died today.
The 3rd branch has failed.

Now we can be taxed for NOT doing something.

06-28-12, 02:17 PM
SCOTUS: Individual mandate is unconstitutional under the commerce clause. Good! That commerce clause is used to justify almost everything, and congress needed to be reigned in.

SCOTUS: Individual mandate is constitutional as a tax. Ironically, the Obama administration argued that it was NOT a tax.

So the SCOTUS did the administration's homework for them, and then ruled accordingly. Boo!

06-28-12, 02:22 PM
Too bad congress just can't scrap the supreme court and appoint new justices. Tis pres sure isn't going to do any good when he has to send name for confirmation to congress.:mad::mad::mad: