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View Full Version : Hello from Gina in New Mexico!

07-27-12, 05:31 AM
Hello SETI.USA community! I have had what seems to me to be endless road blocks to setting up my online account and finding teams and projects in which to contribute my computers little cyber time CPU.:p :-? Could be I just don't really know what I'm doing, lol...however that hasn't deterred my spirit much, because I really appreciate and believe in this project. This project being the shared use of personal computer time for massive, important global projects. Specifically, I am seeking teams and projects that relate to finding ways to utilize planetary energy sources responsibly, and finding ways to stabilize and balance the climate. Research related to health and welfare of the humans and animals of our planet, and exploration of outer space and ocean space is an interest as well.

If anyone reading these posts, introducing the "new crunchers", has suggestions for teams and/or projects, please feel free to share them with me! I am open to any and all information, ideas, suggestions and knowledge that anyone wishes to share at this point. I may become more selective as time and the number and type of responses dictate. If nobody responds I may become desperate and open once again to any and all feedback, lol. We shall see. ;)

So that is my 3AM intro! I look forward to learning about these projects and the people contributing to this shared computer community!

Gina Choquette

Oh...about me: I am a 63 year old retired nurse, mother, grandmother, caretaker of 5 cats and 2 red-eared slider water turtles, and home and 1/2 acre High Desert property owner (actually the bank "owns" most of it, but I get to lovingly care for it). Nice to meet you!

07-27-12, 03:06 PM
First of all let me welcome you to our teams boards. As far as a suggestion for teams go, no team like the one your talking to now.;) As far as projects go, that is completely up to you. You can get an idea of how many there are by visiting here... http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=projmain. Our team has a presence in most of these projects, so you can stick with us and we can help you with any of your comuting questions. If you are interested in sticking around, post what type of computer(s) you have and we can suggest projects based on what you might be interested in, or what might give you the most credit on your type of box. We have challenges from time to time with other teams that you might want to join in on also. Again, welcome!

07-28-12, 02:05 PM
Hello Gina,

Glad to meet you and welcome to our little corner of Cyberspace. If you ever have any questions please ask away. Lots of friendlies around here :D


07-28-12, 02:30 PM
Welcome Gina and I hope you decide to stick with SETI USA. Great team with a lot of folks willing and able to help out with any question you have. It is as stated above a crunch whatever project you want and we will help you get set up. Just ask. Be it software or hardware we have experts in both fields. Hope you get set up soon as we have a "scramble" coming up for Boinc Simap. Take a look at the project and if interesed in it we will get you set up for it. Again welcome.

07-28-12, 08:29 PM
Heelo Gina and welcome to the forums. We are the team your looking for!!! :o There are many projects that fit your criteria. As CrazyBob said, if you can post the type of computer and specs we can try and help you out. Glad you found us and enjoy your stay.

07-28-12, 08:47 PM
Hi Gina! Welcome to our little slice of heaven. Hope you decide to stick around a while and get to know us here. Very helpful and courteous group we around here.

08-05-12, 12:42 AM
Welcome to the team. I crunch a variety of projects, mostly for team challenges, but on my own I prefer World Community Grid, they help with a lot of health related issues.

08-05-12, 01:46 PM
Welcome aboard.
Post your questions. Tons of experts here.

Duke of Buckingham
08-05-12, 04:23 PM
Very good to have new people around. Welcome Gina.


08-06-12, 01:24 AM
Oh...about me: I am a 63 year old retired nurse, mother, grandmother...

You wore me out at nurse!

Welcome aboard!