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View Full Version : I need a new monitor

07-29-12, 01:51 AM
My current monitor is a dell 2407WFP, 24" LCD 1920 x 1200. I bought it 6 years ago for $820. At the time, dell was the unusual place to go for awesome, cheap LCD monitors.

Six years later, it's still working just fine. But I want something bigger and better. I need no bells or whistles. I don't care about ports, really. I just want awesome picture. And bigger.


John P. Myers
07-29-12, 04:01 AM
How much bigger?

I should probably start off by saying i only use Samsung monitors :)

27" LED Full HD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001555

or this if you want a normal looking stand and a low price: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001553

And did you also want better resolution? If so i recommend this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001523 27" LED with 1440P sexiness

Or if you're looking for "make my eyes bleed" bigger: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001429

07-29-12, 10:17 AM
My brother who runs a graphics business uses 2 Hitachi 1080p 40" HD TV monitors. Might be a bit of an overkill though.

Duke of Buckingham
07-29-12, 10:53 AM
NEC MultiSync PA301W is the best. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2382962,00.asp

08-01-12, 04:52 AM
Hmm. Most of the 27" (1920 x 1080) have less resolution than my oooold Dell 24" (1920 x 1200). WTF?

Other thoughts:

Currently my monitor is attached to a Mac Pro tower. When it eventually goes away, it is likely to be attached to my Mac laptop. So thunderbolt is a real plus for me. Newegg doesn't have a filter for thunderbolt, which is annoying since it is an intel standard. Of course the Apple display supports thunderbolt. But MacRumors buyers guide says not to buy since a new model is imminent (http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/#Apple_Cinema_Display). That's the 27" crowd.

For 30", it looks like there are only a few contenders. None are impressing me.

Maybe I should wait for the next apple monitor?

Mad Matt
08-01-12, 04:58 AM
Hmm. Most of the 27" (1920 x 1080) have less resolution than my oooold Dell 24" (1920 x 1200). WTF?

They are swapping 16:10 for 16:9, probably to match TV resolution. Fans of 16:10 already are bunkering old TFTs. ;)

08-01-12, 04:57 PM
They are swapping 16:10 for 16:9, probably to match TV resolution. Fans of 16:10 already are bunkering old TFTs. ;)

Yeah, 16:10 never made sense to me. Why deviate from the standard used in the majority of North American homes. That kind of marketing differentiation plays havoc with the consumer market and usually fails. Thus leaving those who bought into those products high and dry. Anyone remember Divx? Beta? HD DVD? Has anyone ever heard of EVD or FVD?

Z, I would suggest waiting as long as possible. New higher definition monitors are on the horizon so the current crop of true high resolution hardware will start to see lower prices. How long is hard to say.

08-01-12, 09:36 PM
Yeah, 16:10 never made sense to me. Why deviate from the standard used in the majority of North American homes. That kind of marketing differentiation plays havoc with the consumer market and usually fails. Thus leaving those who bought into those products high and dry. Anyone remember Divx? Beta? HD DVD? Has anyone ever heard of EVD or FVD?

Z, I would suggest waiting as long as possible. New higher definition monitors are on the horizon so the current crop of true high resolution hardware will start to see lower prices. How long is hard to say.

Because 16:10 is a standard aspect ratio from the ancient old days. Remember when 320x200 was the norm? :)

Yes zombie67, I've seen the same problem with laptop displays. Even many of the "better" laptops are topping out now at 1080 based on TV resolutions, rather than heading upstream towards the 1440 of HD displays. Really sucks to get a large screen that you can't really leverage because the pixels are just larger, rather than more numerous. :) Can't really count that as more real-estate in the computer world.

08-02-12, 06:01 PM
Check this out!


Aug 21 launch date. I'm waiting....

John P. Myers
08-02-12, 09:07 PM
Check this out!


Aug 21 launch date. I'm waiting....

Not sure what you use your monitors for, but if you're gaming or streaming live sports or movies/shows with lots of fast-moving action, you should be warned the refresh rate on this monitor is only 60Hz and the response time of 6ms would be a bit slow.

08-02-12, 10:19 PM
Not sure what you use your monitors for, but if you're gaming or streaming live sports or movies/shows with lots of fast-moving action, you should be warned the refresh rate on this monitor is only 60Hz and the response time of 6ms would be a bit slow.

Thanks for the warning. But I don't do any of that stuff. My usage is email, web browsing, very big spreadsheets, multiple document editing, etc. Real-estate is a big plus for me.

Edit: If I *were* interested in "gaming or streaming live sports or movies/shows with lots of fast-moving action", what refresh rate would be needed?

John P. Myers
08-03-12, 04:01 AM
Thanks for the warning. But I don't do any of that stuff. My usage is email, web browsing, very big spreadsheets, multiple document editing, etc. Real-estate is a big plus for me.

Edit: If I *were* interested in "gaming or streaming live sports or movies/shows with lots of fast-moving action", what refresh rate would be needed?

At least 120Hz. Looking at other 1440P monitors though, it looks like they're all 60Hz, though the Samsung's response time is faster. Guess the technology on resolutions that high hasn't come far enough to refresh that many pixels any faster yet :/